Nearly half of the region’s respondents hold governments responsible for unemployment problems

More than half (65.1%) of respondents across the Middle East said they believed it was good time to be in the Middle East, according to the latest online poll series conducted by the Middle East’s number one job site The latest poll ‘Change and Challenge in the Middle East Job Market: How is it Viewed?’ asked respondents whether they believed it was a good time to live and work in the Middle East. The response was positive with42.2% of respondents saying it was a better time than ever before,22.9% saying it was as good a time and only24.9% saying it was not a good time.

Additionally, the poll went on to ask if respondents expected to see economic improvements from the recent changes in the Middle East. Not surprisingly, post-revolution Egypt proved to be the most optimistic with56% saying they definitely expected improvements. Overall, in the region the sentiment was also similar although less pronounced with50% of respondents saying yes while only15% said no.

The respondents were then asked where they thought responsibility for unemployment in their countries mostly lied. The vast majority47.1% blamed the government, while7.3% said the private sector,5.2% the education sector and6.3% said it’s the responsibility of individuals themselves. One third of respondents (32.9%) felt all the above reasons applied. Respondents were also asked to what extent they thought the government held responsibility for job creation. The vast majority (92.3%) felt the government was responsible to some extent from “only slightly” to “exclusively”.

“As the number one job site in the Middle East, is dedicated to researching and analyzing data that can be useful to both employees and employers,” said Amer Zureikat, VP Sales,, “The results of our most recent poll showed that despite recent changes occurring in different parts of the region, the Middle East is still considered to be a great place to live and work. The report also indicated several changes that governments should be considering in order to improve their country’s employment. In light of the recent turmoil, I believe we will be seeing a lot more of these come to light.”

Respondents were also asked how the government could best improve employment in their countries;10% said create more jobs in the public sector,8.1% said improve the education sector,5.6% said foster a better environment for business,4.7% said improve labour laws,17.1% said stop corruption and3.7% said develop better transparency and legal guidelines. Nearly half (48.1%) said all of the above. Interestingly enough there was a strong emphasis on stopping corruption, especially in Egypt, coinciding with the country’s recent emergence of corruption scandals that had taken place during the previous government.

“Very interestingly, the vast majority of the region’s respondents (59.3%) also felt that there were many highly qualified professionals and few good jobs which could indicate that the region does in fact need to create more employment through more transparent means,” added Zureikat.

Overall however, respondents were optimistic about the future with65.1% indicating they are optimistic about their career prospects and64.7% saying they are optimistic about their country’s economy. A vast majority of respondents (86.5%) also indicated they believed it was possible to dramatically improve employment prospects through better public policies. Finally, respondents in the region also felt that the internet is aiding employment in their countries with32.5% saying it helps to a huge extent,22.7% saying it moderately helps and44.8% stating it slightly helps.

Data for the poll series was conducted by the Middle East’s number one job site The latest poll series ‘Change and Challenge in the Middle East Job Market: How is it Viewed?’ was collected online between March11 and April42011, with a total of9708 respondents from across the Middle East. This and other Middle East research, as well as information on’s classifieds, are available online on

  • Date Posted: 11/04/2011
  • Last updated: 11/04/2011
  • Date Posted: 11/04/2011
  • Last updated: 11/04/2011