Leading Saudi Companies Hosted by Bayt.com to Discuss Recruitment in the Country

In an effort to empower Saudi professionals and strengthen the recruitment process, Bayt.com, the Middle East’s #1 job site, held an employer leadership event, revealing the latest talent recruitment tools and hiring practices. The event took place in Eastern Province on the17th of April at the Kempinski Al Othman Hotel.

The event revolved around the theme of building a corporate culture of excellence; as to attract, engage, and retain top talent in Saudi Arabia. The event gathered many Saudi professionals from the HR and talent-management fields; the heads of some of the country’s most successful organisations; and Saudi-based recruiters who want to learn about the latest recruitment trends. The panel included Bandar Al Safir, General Manager, Emdad Manpower; Moataz Mashhour, Chief Human Resources Officer, Johns Hopkins Aramco; and Farhan Rashed, Former Head of HR, SATORP Aramco.

“It is our number one priority to empower employers and job seekers in Saudi Arabia, “said Suhail Masri, Vice President of Employer Solutions, Bayt.com. “Since our inception in2000, Bayt.com has helped thousands of companies to find, hire, and retain top talent. Events like this not only reinforce our commitment to analyse and share local market dynamics, but to also support employers with the most recent research and information relating to effective recruitment and talent-management practices. At Bayt.com, we are proud to work with over40,000 companies who advertise thousands of jobs on our site and use our CV Search technology to access and hire from over27 million professionals.”

  • Date Posted: 17/04/2017
  • Last updated: 17/04/2017
  • Date Posted: 17/04/2017
  • Last updated: 17/04/2017