Over 42,000 New Jobs Posted on Bayt.com in the Third Quarter of 2017

Dubai, UAE,8 October2017: As the third quarter of2017 concluded, Bayt.com – the Middle East’s #1 Job Site – revealed that more than42,000 new jobs were announced on the job site between July and September of2017. Job seekers across the Middle East and North Africa are making use of the opportunities available on Bayt.com every day with a fully online job search and application process. The number of new jobs announced on Bayt.com during the third quarter of2017 represents a29.1% increase in online job postings in comparison to quarter one of2017 and a13.72% increase in comparison to quarter two of2017. Overall, the number of jobs announced online has increased by21.25%. In addition, thousands of additional vacancies are filled every day through Bayt.com’ flagship CV Search technology, through which employers directly contact and hire candidates without necessarily posting their vacancies. “We are very thrilled to be working with more employers and business leaders to bring even more job opportunities to the Middle East region,” said Suhail Masri, Vice President of Employer Solutions, Bayt.com. “Given that our mission and ultimate goal is to empower people to build their careers and lifestyles of choice, we continuously strive to bring more opportunities to our community of job seekers. With nearly30,000,000 CVs registered on our job site, we exponentially increase our efforts and our strategies to make new career opportunities available and easily accessible. As we quickly approach the end of the year, we look forward to a continued growth in career building and a stronger and healthier job market. We will be reaching out to even more job seekers and employers to facilitate the connections and provide them with the tools and information they need.” As Bayt.com continues to grow and diversify its portfolio of employers, the number of jobs available increases. On any given day, between10,000 and12,000 job opportunities are available on this job site. The Jobs announced are also highly diverse in terms of role, industry, location, and qualifications.

  • Date Posted: 08/10/2017
  • Last updated: 08/10/2017
  • Date Posted: 08/10/2017
  • Last updated: 08/10/2017