"Nothing can keep women from achieving their goals but themselves," says Iman Mutlaq of Sigma Investments

"Nothing can keep women from achieving their goals but themselves," says Iman Mutlaq of Sigma Investments

Iman Mutlaq, CEO of Sigma Investments, is a dynamic leader and expert in financial markets. Her portfolio of achievements is wide, varying from running her multinational company, to receiving humanitarian awards, such as the “Middle East Woman of the Year” Global Officials of Dignity Award. Challenges are Iman’s motivational triggers, she paid her own way through her education, and by the age of 18 she had already established her first business, paving the way to her current success. She is also focused on women empowerment, creating paths towards their education and enablement throughout the region. Here’s what Iman had to share with us:

1. What does a day in Iman's life look like?

My day begins at 5:00 AM, and I go to work at 8:00 am every day. Waking up early is one of my favorite things in the world! Making time in the morning to take care of myself always feels good. The early hours are the perfect time for meditation, writing, exercise and some quiet reading. I start my morning by doing yoga, which can do wonders for your health and mind. I then set my goals for the day, which allow me to weigh and analyze just where I stand on a day-to-day basis. Every morning, I write at least 10 things which I am grateful for, to put things in perspective.

Finally, I enjoy my daily chat with my accountability partner, where we share our goals to motivate, inspire and push each other. Then, it’s time to go to work! On my way, I always listen to audio-books. I invest in my time as I invest in money; our time must be employed wisely! Once I’m at the office, I make sure to inspire and motivate others. It’s always easier to find people who inspire you, but to be the source of motivation is the challenge, therefore I make sure to inspire at least one person every day. After work, I go to the gym. To me, physical health means being able to make a contribution to my community, so I always make sure I am healthy enough to have that ability.

As my day comes to an end, I have another chat with my accountability partner, to discuss how our days went, what goals we’ve accomplished, and most importantly, what prevented us from accomplishing some of them. Without these daily conversations my mind becomes restless. I go to bed at 10 PM daily.

2. What would you say has been the proudest moment in your career?

One of the proudest moments of my life came when I signed a cooperation protocol with the Egyptian ministry of supply and internal trade to establish EGYCOMEX: The First Commodities Exchange in Egypt for the MENA region. I’m joyfully looking forward to see EGYCOMEX witness its first trade.

3. What is the most important thing you look for in new hires?

For me experience and skills aren't the only things that matter to hiring. I look for candidates who love to wear their smile at all times, and, more importantly, who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. The qualifications and education of a candidate comes next.

4. How do you handle diversity in the workplace?

Diversity in the workplace is important to running a successful business. I like to promote it in my office, primarily by treating everyone fairly and respecting the differences that make them who they are. I also assign different tasks and responsibilities to each person, to give them a sense of purpose as well as boost their pride in the work they do.

5. What do you think is keeping women from C-Suite positions in the Arab world?

Nothing can keep women from achieving their goals but themselves. The key to fulfilling your dream is to believe in your potential. Women with a solid belief in their own potential and abilities are never doomed to failure and mediocrity.

Lastly, some quick-fire questions:

1. Do you read? What's your favorite book?
Yes, books are integral part of my life. My favorite book is The Divine Matrix.

2. What is your personal definition of success?
The ability to do what you want to do, be what you want to be, and have what you want to have.

3. What career advice does every twenty-something need to hear?
Before I got to where I am now, I had a lot of work to do and a lot of mistakes to make; therefore, my advice to them is to always be ambitious, set a goal, and work hard to achieve it. Focused, hard work is the real key to success.

  • Posted by Sara - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Sara - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016