Infographic: Ramadan in the MENA Region 2021

Ramadan is a month of mercy and blessings, revolving around doing good deeds and practicing self-restraint. For MENA professionals, it is also a time to contribute meaningfully. To what extent is employee productivity impacted during Ramadan, if at all? And what can employers do to support their employees? polled thousands of professionals throughout the MENA region to illustrate their opinions, strategies and behaviors throughout the Holy Month. Let’s take a look at their valuable insights.

Key Findings:

  • 88% of professionals plan to make more time for job hunting during Ramadan.
  • 89% say that their productivity either increases or stays the same during the Holy Month.
  • 89% have more positive and optimistic feelings about their career.
  • 69% of respondents believe that hiring activity increases.
  • 65% agree that their company increases charitable activities during Ramadan.

Data for the ‘Ramadan in the MENA’ poll was collected online from February 15, 2021 to April 12, 2021. Results are based on a sample of 5,445 respondents from countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Sudan among others.

Zeina Issa
  • Posted by Zeina Issa - ‏18/04/2021
  • Last updated: 22/06/2021
  • Posted by Zeina Issa - ‏18/04/2021
  • Last updated: 22/06/2021