Top 10 Ways to Manage Employees Burnout (Part 2)

Top 10 Ways to Manage Employees Burnout (Part 2)

Burnout: you already know what it is and how it can affect your workplace. But you are also aware that you can do a lot to “extinguish the flames” of your employees’ burnout. Yesterday, we shared with you the first part of our blog on the topic of employee burnout; we talked about the importance of reducing fear, promoting positivity, challenging the weather, defining roles…and paying on time! Today, we go on with the second part to explore five more elements that will help your employees recover from a burnout and get ready to shine again.

6. Never stop recognizing success

No matter what they tell you about this, employees love to be genuinely recognized in their efforts and contribution to the organization’s overall advancement. Be ready to notice any successful performance and, without being too predictable, be generous in celebrating a well-done-job. Appreciating your employees will act as a tremendous boost to their individual satisfaction and a powerful incentive for continuous professional development.

7. Assist in legal procedures

The process of obtaining a resident permit can be a real nightmare to many expats willing to work in Middle Eastern countries, with UAE and Bahrain on top of the list. Probably the greatest challenge for HR Managers of the region, providing assistance throughout the bureaucratic process is critical to the employees’ overall well-being and an efficient tool to acquire and retain talent based on workforce demand.

8. Don’t forget about that “little” thing: culture

When it comes to the business environment, every country in the Middle East holds up a different set of customs and beliefs. The main difference from Western cultures lies in the fact that most of the business practices of daily life incorporate a religious element. For instance, in Saudi Arabia women must cover up and wear a headscarf — and even handshake has its own rules to follow! With international mobility on the rise, HR professionals have the responsibility to make sure that the employees’ adjustment to the new code of conduct will be a quick and smooth journey.

9. Support passions

As obvious as it may sound, making your employees follow their passions is essential to unleashing their happiness and productivity. Avoid to make your employees feel frustrated and stifled in their current roles. Instead, consider the option of having skilled employees move to a position they feel more passionate about. This also means you should encourage side projects, with employees investing their time, energies and enthusiasm to any sort of personal interest. Not only is this functional to their happiness, but also the company will reap the benefits in the terms of creativity and corporate innovation.

10. Educate your employees on burnout

Quoting the famous adage, prevention is better than cure. Providing information on burnout and how your employees can prevent it is an alternative way to take action. Equipped with adequate knowledge and know-how, employees will be able to identify core symptoms of the problem, such as lack of concentration and difficulty in setting priorities. In this way, you’re also fighting the tendency to hide crises within the workplace, sweeping them under the rug.

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Camilla Caraccio