Going Green at Work

What is the concept of a “Green Workplaces” all about? A recent report issued by SHRM defines a “green workplace” as a workplace that is environmentally sensitive, resource efficient and socially responsible. How can you then, as an individual, do your part in saving the environment while at work? Below are some top suggestions from the Bayt.com team:

- Depend on Daylight while you can: You’re present in the office for at least8 hours a day- meaning natural light could easily be engulfing your space for at least half of your day. Think twice before putting the lights on and make it a point to turn them off every time you step out of your office. In case the sun does not really have a way to your office, are eco- friendly light bulbs an idea you could possibly pitch to your management?

- Reduce paper waste: Go digital and avoid printing. If you are left with no other alternative, print on both sides (and set your printer on “draft” as default mode) keeping in mind not every document/ e-mail or article needs to be printed out. Remember to suggest using recyclable paper (or at least get a set of recyclable paper that you can personally use).

- Desktop versus Laptop: Make sure to set your desktop or laptop to automatically go on standby mode once it has been inactive for more than15 minutes and at the end of your working day, do turn off your computer. Laptops consume85% less energy than desktops according to a report issued by BBC, so you might want to opt for a laptop once your desktop is worn out (Macs use even less electricity than others).

- Replace fake with real: Keeping the office green entails adopting real plants instead of fake ones. Take the time to look after a “real” plant or2 in the office. This not only cleans the air and promotes good health but also keeps your morale up and boosts your creativity.

- Telecommute (when/ if) possible: Does your job necessitate your physical presence in the office on daily basis? Can you come to an agreement with your direct manager to work from home once or twice a week? Is videoconferencing an option when you have business meeting? Limiting business/ work travel not only helps you better balance between life/work and promotes your organizational loyalty (as confirmed by44% of Middle Eastern professionals in a recent Bayt.com poll about “Telecommuting in the Middle East”), it also helps you reduce air pollution.

- Give a thought to your means of transportation: So commuting might be a feasible option for you and your employer for one or two days a week, how about the rest of the week? Are any colleagues living in your neighborhood? Is sharing a ride or an eco- friendly carpool an option? Share your thoughts with them and prompt them to adopt your idea. Not only will this save the environment, it will also save them fuel money and parking fees! Other ideas would be for you to stroll to and from work if that is an option, or maybe cycle on a sunny morning! You will then be doing both the environment and your health a favor!

- Bring your lunch in a reusable container: Take the time to cook your food at home- preferably local and /or organic- then pack it in a reusable container along with reusable plates and cutlery. Keep in mind that deliveries always leave packaging waste behind- and are rarely healthy for you. Post-lunch Coffee? Aim for reusable coffee filter.

- Adopt a green lifestyle:

- Let the world know why you’re going green: Voice it to your co-workers and your management alike: You have undertaken a mission and that mission is “greening” your life at home and the office. State the reasons behind your decision and the benefits that the environment, yourself, your co-workers and your employer could reap. You might want to mention that a recent Bayt.com poll about Green offices in the Middle East has shown that52% of Middle Eastern professionals feel part of a bigger cause when they are working for a “green” organization and this results in a productivity boost! What more can an employer wish for?! Go Green!!!

Mohannad Aljawamis