The Top Industries Survey 2012

The survey helps understand consumer and employee sentiments with regard to each industry. Another major indicator is the proportion of employed people who had changed their industry or are likely to do so in the near future.

Survey Highlights:

  • • Respondents claim that the Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals industry is clearly the most desirable in their country of residence. The industry came out top in salary packages (48%), work-life balance (28%), career growth opportunities (34%) and job security and stability (34%).
  • • Among unemployed experienced professionals, construction industry comes first as industry of choice, with9% respondents currently looking for a job in this industry.
  • • Best salary packages (including non-monetary benefits), almost half of the survey takers agreed that Oil, Gas, and Petrochemicals is best (48%).

Respondents' Profile: Data for the Top Industries survey was collected online from from November5 -14,2012, with12,040 respondents aged18+, representing Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, KSA, Syria, Tunisia and the UAE.

Mohannad Aljawamis