The Fresh Graduates in the Middle East and North Africa Survey

Survey highlights:

  • Overall, most respondents claim to be satisfied with the quality of higher education they received; with over a quarter (27%) claiming to be ’very satisfied’.
  • 75% of respondents claim their college or university did not help them in identifying or applying for suitable job opportunities.
  • 73% believe that there is low availability of jobs for fresh graduates in their country of residence.
  • When finding their first job, the majority used/ plan to use leading online job sites, direct applications to target companies, as well as their personal network of friends and family members.
  • Salary expectations are significantly higher in the GCC region. At an overall level, almost a third (31%) do not expect to receive more than USD500 a month in their first job.
  • Profile of Respondents: Data for the Fresh Graduates in the MENA survey was collected online in the period from May26– June262014, with1,586 respondents from the UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.

    Mohannad Aljawamis