Job Satisfaction in the Middle East and North Africa Survey

Some highlights:

  • Overall,4 out of10 respondents are satisfied with their current job, with18% of them being ‘very’ satisfied.
  • 43% do not see themselves working for the same employer for the next two years;61% are actively trying to move to another organization.
  • Low base salary (66%), followed by lack of career growth opportunities (62%), are the two main reasons for leaving an organization.
  • Over40% strongly believe that their pay is not fair compared to similar jobs in other companies.
  • Data for the Job Satisfaction in the Middle East and North Africa survey was collected online throughout March2015, with5,774 respondents, all of whom were employed men and women over the age of18 years old. The survey polled people from varying nationalities including GCC Arabs, North Africans, Levant, and Western and Asian expats from the UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

    Mohannad Aljawamis