Poll: On-The-Job Training in the Middle East and North Africa

The Middle East and North Africa’s workplace is vibrant and diverse. With so many booming industries, retaining talent becomes both challenging and critical. What, besides compensation, do employees value in a job? Who benefits the most from on-the-job training? And whose responsibility is on-the-job training? In order to discern public opinion on training in the workplace, conducted this poll, titled ‘On-the-Job Training in the Middle East and North Africa. Check out the highlights and download the full report for free. Key Findings:

  • 85% of MENA professionals would leave their job for better training and career development
  • 91.4% of respondents deliberately look for companies with clear training and development programs during their job search.
  • Aside from salary, “training and development opportunities” at work is considered most important by69.3% of respondents.
  • More than three quarters (77.3%) of respondents’ places of work provide training and development opportunities.
  • 77.1% of respondents are satisfied with the available opportunities, with over two thirds (69.4%) reporting they are ‘very satisfied’ with this aspect. Data for the2017 ‘On-The-Job Training in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll was collected online from September13th2017 to October24th2017. Results are based on a sample of7,172 respondents from participating countries including UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, Iraq and others.
    Mohannad Aljawamis