A Day In The Life of : A Corporate Risk Manager

A Day In The Life of : A Corporate Risk Manager

5:00 am: Woke up and performed the Dawn Prayer. Exercised at home by doing stretching, sit ups and push ups while watching random news from around the world.

6:00 am: Showered, had my breakfast, read a few chapters from the Quran, then put my suit on and got ready for work.

7:30 am: Left to work, but got delayed in the lobby of the apartment building by the receptionist because he felt like chit-chatting for a few minutes.

8:00 am: Checked my emails, voice messages and to do list. I realized that it is not going to be a hectic day. Sigh of relief!!! Yes, I can catch up on some of the follow up items I had piling up from last week. My job involves owning the company's risk management process which includes risk identification, measurement, prioritization and treatment n addition to developing policies, procedures, processes, etc. within the company.

9:00 am: Followed up on outstanding issues and then continued working on a risk assessment and process reengineering exercise that I have been working on over the last week.

11:00 am: Worked on a progress report presentation for senior management to be conducted the next day. Scheduled a few meetings for the rest of the week with regards to this risk assessment and process reengineering project.

12:00 pm: Finalized a risk management software selection exercise and obtained management approval for the purchase. Called and emailed software vendors who were unsuccessful and showed my appreciation for all of their efforts in trying to work with our company.

1:30 pm: Ordered lunch for a group of five people. Didn’t go out for lunch because it’s boiling hot outside, almost42 degrees Celsius.

2:30 pm: Met with the quality assurance manager to discuss some recommendations around process enhancements.

3:30 pm: Obtained from HR access to Bayt.com to look for top level risk candidates. Identified5 resumes and forwarded them to HR to contact these candidates and arrange for interviews.

4:30 pm: Followed up on a few emails I received during the day.

5:30 pm: Didn’t stay late today, I had to rush out to the physiotherapist as I have been receiving treatment for an injury I had two weeks ago during a basketball match.

Want to share a Day in your Life? E-mail us at: dayinthelife@bayt.net

Mohannad Aljawamis