Job Search Readiness Quiz

Are you ready to tackle a job search effectively and successfully? Do you have the knowledge, skills, experience and attitude it takes? Take the Job search readiness quiz by answering the following questions to find out.

1. You are aware of your skills, interests and abilities

2. You are aware of what motivates you to excel

3. You are aware of your values and what you are looking for in a workplace (eg job security, teamwork, financial rewards, social status, variety of tasks, room for creativity, challenge, social stimulation, mental stimulation, environment, travel etc)

4. You are comfortable researching and exploring different career options

5. You are comfortable requesting and participating in informational interviews to gain perspective about different career options and employers

6. You are comfortable that the field you selected best suits your values, skills, needs and interests

7. You are comfortable identifying and researching employers in your target field

8. You are comfortable finding out the names of the professionals in your target companies that you should be contacting

9. Your CV and Cover Letter are prepared bearing in mind the specific needs of the employer and role you are targeting and are customized for each role

10. Your CV and Cover Letter contain action verbs, keywords and the qualifications and skills that are of particular interest to the individual role and company you are targeting

11. Your CV has a clear Objective statement which is customized for the role you are targeting

12. Your CV and cover letter have been thoroughly checked for grammatical mistakes and typos and you are confident they are professional, effective and powerful.

13. Your Cover Letter and all other correspondence is addressed to the person directly responsible for the position you are targeting not ‘To Whom it May Concern’.

14. You have assigned a certain number of hours a day specifically to the job search and are ready to pursue it in a diligent and disciplined manner

15. You keep detailed records of every aspect of your job search including all contacts made via phone, mail, email, all interviews, all CVs and cover letters sent etc.

16. You understand what professional networking is all about and the importance of it.

17. You are comfortable networking and have a strategy to aggressively expand on your existing network to get in touch with prospective employers in your target field.

18. You are proactive about professionally approaching people who can aid you in your job search.

19. You are comfortable sourcing and responding to advertised vacancies – in newspapers, trade magazines, company websites, online jobsites, alumni bulletin boards etc.

20. You are comfortable approaching companies directly through a direct mail campaign or otherwise to access the vast hidden job market of unadvertised vacancies.

21. You are always aware of the unique skills, experience and abilities you have to offer a particular position and can package these appropriately.

22. You are very familiar with standard interview questions and are comfortable in any interview situation.

23. You are ready to turn any unexpected turn in an interview to your benefit by emphasizing the positive in your career and credentials and track record and highlighting why you are uniquely qualified for the particular role

24. You are prepared to highlight you major achievements and how they could translate to future success in your target role.

25. You understand the importance of diligently following up on any interview or referral with a thank-you note.

26. You understand the importance of staying on the radar screen of your network through regular calls, mail, emails, visits etc.

27. You understand the importance of persistence in the job search and do not get discouraged by any negative responses you receive.

28. You are comfortable conducting phone interviews.

29. You are comfortable using the phone to prospect for referrals and jobs.

30. You are comfortable negotiating an offered package to a level that is agreeable to you.

If you found yourself answering ‘No’ more than ‘Yes’ to the above questions, chances are your job search techniques need some brushing up and refining. Remember a successful job search begins with a through self-assessment and is followed by research, a thorough understanding of the job market and a well-planned, comprehensive, multi-faceted job-search strategy that includes diligent follow-up. The Career Center has a wealth of information on Job Search tools and methodology for areas where you may need additional help.

Mohannad Aljawamis