An Employer’s Guide to Attract Graduates

Question: I am a hiring manager at a large company in Abu Dhabi. With the graduation season coming up, I am interested in hiring some of the top graduates in the region for entry-level positions. What are some of the key factors to take into consideration when hiring fresh graduates? What are graduates looking for in their first job? Are there ways to present our organization as an employer of choice? Thank you. Maya S.

Answer: Hi Maya. Fresh graduates are a great asset to any company. They are up-to- date on developing trends and technology, are extremely ambitious, can be easily trained, and of course, bring in brand new ideas and fresh perspective to an organization. In fact, lower salary expectations and willingness to follow instructions are the two main reasons why some industries tend to hire more graduates than others, according to the Fresh Graduates in the Middle East and North Africa survey, July 2015. Here are some tips to help you attract top graduate talent to your organization.

1. Invest in your culture

Nowadays, millennials want to work at a company where they feel comfortable, inspired, motivated and encouraged to succeed. Embrace an employee-centric culture, which promotes a fun, hardworking and creative environment, and emphasize the importance of transparency, honest communication and recognition. Highlight what makes your company stand out from the rest. Fresh graduates look for flexi-hours, award programs, fun celebrations, open workspaces and diverse teams, and are attracted to being part of such a culture. According to the Fresh Graduates in the Middle East and North Africa survey, a comfortable office environment, a fun working atmosphere and flexible working hours are among the top 10 factors that fresh graduates look at when selecting a job.

2. Promote your company as a top employer

The millennials are an enthusiastic generation who want to see and feel that their work is part of a greater purpose. In your job descriptions, emphasize your company’s values, vision and mission. Demonstrate that your organization exists for something that goes beyond mere profitability, and that work contributes directly towards everyone’s good. CSR activities – such as youth outreach programs, eco-friendly initiatives and community involvement projects – are all good ways to illustrate a philanthropic company. According to the ’Corporate Social Responsibility: Is Your Company Making an Impact?‘ poll, August 2013, 90% of respondents believe that CSR is a moral responsibility companies have towards the local community, and 95% feel it’s important that their company is socially responsible. See CSR initiatives for inspiration.

3. Provide career growth opportunities

The Career Development in the Middle East and North Africa survey, January 2016, shows that 85% of MENA professionals today find career development very important, and another 82% would leave their companies for better career growth and training opportunities. Present these graduates with a clear career path, highlighting the opportunities they will have to nurture their skills and grow within the company. Show them that there is in fact ample room to learn and develop their careers, and climb the corporate ladder.

4. Go digital

You rarely see a millennial without a smartphone, tablet or laptop anymore. Create a company profile for your organization on, and make sure it looks fresh, functionally useful and interesting for your target audience. Engage candidates on your social profiles, as well as on professional networking platforms, such as Specialties. Advertise your jobs online and send notifications to candidates who are interested in your job vacancies. 91% of respondents in the ‘Recruitment Practices in Middle East and North Africa’ poll, May 2015, find it useful to receive job notifications through their email or smartphone. Corporate videos and a photo gallery are also great ways to advertise your culture and grab the attention of young talent looking for a great work environment and top job assignments.

5. Encourage diversity and innovation

By promoting an innovative and diverse workplace, your company demonstrates that it is open to new ideas and talents. Fresh grads want to start building a career right away, and are eager to feel that their thoughts and ideas are heard and considered. Instead of treating them as inexperienced candidates who require a lot of training, look at them as talent that can bring in innovative ideas and help your organization grow. Besides, it is always good for a company to have fresh talent kick start innovative ideas and projects.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏21/04/2016
  • Last updated: 28/05/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏21/04/2016
  • Last updated: 28/05/2016