Overall Job Objective:
- Covering all design, preparation and printing requirements required
- Ability to design graphics, edit photos and videos, prepare brochures and booklets, print all types of media, and take personal photos.
Main Duties - General and specialized tasks:
1. Design all user requests for backgrounds, images, templates and logos.
2. Maintaining the process of updating all news items on the home page and information on the central display systems in the unit.
3. Covering all events including photography and design for all event requirements.
4. Production of all audio and visual media in the unit.
5. Implementing all types of document imaging of all sizes.
6. Design, prepare and print all brochures.
7. Commitment to using all standard templates and participating in their design and updating.
8. Enter daily business through the system and receive and maintain orders through the system.
Examples of some operational performance indicators
1. Number of requests completed by the employee in the system
2. The speed of completion in updating all news items on the home page and information on the central display systems in the unit.
3. Number of participations in event coverage required by the system.
4. The ability to produce audio and visual media.
5. Number of imaging types and variety of requests completed in the system.
6. Number of design, printing and brochure preparation requests completed in the system.
7. Number of contributions to design and update templates
8. Percentage of daily work completed and requests on the system
The primary activity of Alpha Data Recruitment is outsourcing resources to customers who are looking for excellent people who are able to contribute to the organizations where they work. Alpha Data Recruitment also actively manages all of the outsourcing requirements of our sister company Alpha Data LLC. With a long standing reputation in the market the company now outsources more than 700 individuals in the UAE