To analyse, evaluate, develop and deliver learning programs to a multicultural audience within the Emirates Group and its strategic partners by using blended training methods. All training must be aligned to the corporate objectives, Vision, Mission and Values, and must comply with National and International standards and regulations.
Job Outline
The principal areas in which the L&D Officer must achieve results in order to achieve its objectives and purpose are as follows
Training Needs Analysis
Conduct the training needs analysis by engaging relevant stakeholders from the business department. The results from the needs analysis must be documented in a report format with findings that indicates a training need or alternatively suggest solutions/recommendations for business process change. This is to ensure that the training needs analysis accurately addresses the gaps in the knowledge and skills and results in the design and development of training programmes that are relevant, up-to-date, and accurate and that they focus on meeting the operational business needs of dAO and dnata Cargo.
Design and develop learning programs
Define parameters of the learning program by clarifying the purpose and type of learning program with key stakeholders. Develop program content by researching, developing and documenting specific subject matter content according to the curriculum standards. Design structure of the learning program by breaking the learning content into manageable segments and document timeframe for each segment. Determine and confirm delivery strategies and required assessment methods and tools. Document complete learning program in line with organisational requirements and review it with key stakeholders and adjust as required.
Training Delivery and Effectiveness
Deliver training programmes which may involve demonstrating work-skill instruction or facilitating learning in the workplace or delivering group based learning. Establish and implement the delivery method by identifying the context for learning, individual's learning style and learner characteristics. In all cases, ensure safe learning environment. Maintain, develop and review the delivery method to support and reinforce new learning, build on strengths, and identify areas of development. Monitor learner progress by using measures to ensure learners are acquiring and can use new technical and generic skills and knowledge.
Plan and Conduct Assessment
Plan, design and develop assessment activities and processes by confirming purposes and context of assessment with relevant stakeholders to meet regulatory or organisational requirements as appropriate. Select assessment methods that support the collection of defined evidence. Contribute to assessment by discussing and confirming with the learner the assessment context, including learner?s characteristics and any need for reasonable adjustments. Assess competence by examining the collected evidence and evaluate it to ensure that it reflects the evidence required to demonstrate competence. Provide clear and constructive feedback to candidate regarding the assessment decision and develop any follow-up action plan required.
Quality Review of Training Effectiveness
Determine the effectiveness of the training programs using recognised evaluation Model. Identify the learner's reaction to the training programme by submitting the Learner Feedback Form, collating the feedback and recording the score for the Quality of Training. Establish if the learner has gained the essential knowledge and skills by conducting formative, summative and practical assessment as appropriate. Conduct Line Checks at operational, functional areas and equipment to establish the effective transfer of learning at the workplace.
Team Leadership and Development
Lead and supervise a team, setting objectives and targets for team members, and conducting performance appraisals in line with corporate PM Review. Manage performance in a fair, balanced and timely manner. Update Training Manager with team achievements and areas of development. Quality review of training delivery effectiveness has to be carried out for the assigned trainers and feedback along with development plan should reflect in the individual portfolio.
Professional Development
Maintain continued professional development by keeping self-updated with the specific area of expertise within the EK Group and across the airline and training industry in general. The jobholder is required to disseminate knowledge effectively, highlighting the latest information, methods and best practices in their field of expertise to both training colleagues and trainees. This will require regular use of, and contribution to, the Emirates Group Learning Portal - MLZ, and the maintenance of professional contacts with internal and external groups and individuals.
Project management
Coordinate the Special Projects and in particular objective is to coordinate obtain, update and disseminate information on training plan for various projects. Keep abreast of gap in processes, procedures, work flows, knowledge and information throughout the project. Actively participate in executing the project through course development/ delivery/ maintaining training schedules/time management/quality control design and implementation of program. Track, measure, evaluate and monitor project implementation. Plan contingency models and minimize any gaps in deviation from project plan.