The post holder has specific responsibility for the organisation, administration and strategic development relating to the promotion of the School at all levels through targeted initiatives and activities directed by the Marketing Department.
The post holder will be a true ambassador of the School, providing a professional and highly focused customer-serviceapproach.AsarepresentativeoftheSchool,thepostholderwillalsoworktodevelop links and partnerships with the parent, businesses, and local community contacts to support mutual development and growth whilst raising the profile and position of the School.
ThepostholderwillbeexpectedtobuildacloseworkingrelationshipwithothermembersoftheSenior Leadership Team (SLT) as well as teaching, administrative and other support staff to fully inform and involve the wholeschool community in thepromotionof the School to the widerworld. Collaboration with colleagues within International Schools Partnership, Middle East (ISP) and attendance at Group Admissions & Marketing Meetings will also be ex
Beginwithourchildrenandstudents.Ourchildrenandstudentsareattheheartofwhatwedo.Simply, their success is our success. Wellbeing and safety are both essential for learners and learning. Therefore,weareconsistentinidentifyingpotentialsafeguardingandHealth&Safetyissuesandacting and following up on all concerns appropriately.
Treateveryonewithcareandrespect.Welookafteroneanother,embracesimilaritiesanddifferences and promote the well-being of self and others.
Operateeffectively.Wefocusrelentlesslyonthethingsthataremostimportantandwillmakethemost difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
Learn continuously. Getting better is what drives us. We positively engage with personal and professional development and school improvement.
ISPAdmission&CommunicationsManagerKeyResponsibilities Admissions: