This is a short-term remote position for a qualified candidate to conduct a comprehensive market survey/white paper focused on the process of identifying skilled freelance IT professionals in Turkey. In this role, the successful candidate will conduct thorough market research to gather insights about best practices for discovering, hiring, and compensating freelance/remote IT talent in Turkey. The consultant will analyze market trends to provide actionable recommendations to the client. THE PREFERRED CANDIDATE WILL BE A RESIDENT OF TURKEY.
We are seeking to hire qualified IT professionals in talent rich, untapped markets - in this case, Turkey. The professionals would perform temporary (gig/freelance) work that supports a wide range of corporate initiatives including Data and Document Management (DMO), support for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), and Software as a Solution (SAAS) expertise. We do not want to use popular freelance sites like Fiverr or Upwork to identify candidates, because much of our work is proprietary and tailored to individual client needs. If there is no conflict of interest, IT candidates are permitted to continue with outside, even full-time employment.
Talent Mining
The market survey should outline online sources for finding freelance IT talent in Turkey, especially indigenous sources that may be unknown outside of the region. Document the requirements of these online sites for harvesting resumes, posting jobs, hiring talent, subscription cost and details. Describe any potential hurdles to using these services, such as the requirement to be in the country, for example. Please provide suggested strategies for overcoming such obstacles.
What are viable and preferred payment options in the region? Are there any cultural sensitivities or geopolitical issues that should be considered for paying these freelancers? The survey results should suggest a payment strategy, which can be diversified.
Hiring Efficiencies
Popular freelance sites have a rating system for evaluating potential consultants, but this system can be flawed. We would like a better means to evaluate candidates upfront. We envision an interview process of some sort, but it should not have the same rigor as the process for full-time employment. We may lose qualified candidates if our process is too cumbersome for the candidate. Describe a proposed process for finding, assessing, and hiring temporary talent that strikes a balance between our desire to evaluate candidates and makes the process relatively easy for the candidate. The hiring process might be a little slower compared to normal freelance work, but we think candidates can be incentivized by the opportunity to conduct work outside their full-time employment, the opportunity to gain new experiences, to be well-compensated, and to work with a globally dispersed team on collaborative projects.
Gig or freelance work is different from full-time employment. As a talent sourcer or human resource consultant, design a strategy to evaluate a candidate for a freelance job. What qualities should be looked for? What methods should be used to evaluate the candidate’s stated IT skills? How has the emergence of a more mobile IT consulting community, such as digital nomads, impacted both positively and negatively on the freelancer market?
What role could AI play in any of this process?
Are there any cultural sensitivities or geopolitical issues of which we should be aware? For example, some candidates may prefer not to work on certain days (Friday for example), and some prefer to be paid via a payment system that might be less common outside of the region.
English-language Word document or PDF ranging from 6-20 pages on finding freelance IT talent in Turkey
Can include graphics
3-week turnaround
Market Analysis and Research based on relevant regional perspective and professional experience (not seeking an AI generated document)
Availability for follow-up questions on deliverable
ADEC Innovations AT GmbH offers tailored consulting services by providing the highest quality IT talent and resources that support projects in Data and Document Management (DMO), Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Workforce Solutions, Software as a Solution (SAAS); internal management and infrastructure, marketing, information technology and infrastructure support, research, publications, scanning, reproduction, and other support services.