Works in Dhahran Health Center but visits other JHAH facilities for consultation and treatment of psychiatric patients. Shares patient workload with other Psychiatrists within the Service. Receives general supervision from the Chief Psychiatrist, but works independently in his/her professional specialty, making professional decisions, but seeking administrative approval where required. Participates in continuing education, teaching, research and quality assurance programs.
INTERNAL: Nurses and ancillary personnel providing care to psychiatric patients. Other physicians in the course of referral and consultation. Relatives of patients and other JHAH non-physician clinicians in conducting the duties of the position.
EXTERNAL: Occasional contacts with GAO personnel, Saudi Arab Government authorities, supervisors or teachers of patients. Coordinates unusual contacts with his supervisor to assure consistency and proper procedure in handling of problems
At least two (2) years as a full-time Psychiatrist, after training and Board Certification.