الشروط المطلوبة :
1. العمل في مجال المقاولات
2. اعداد العقود
3. التواصل مع العملاء والمبيعات
4. اعداد عروض الاسعار
الالمام في برامج المايكروسوفت مثل (اكسل ، بويربويت ، الوورد)
Blue Hills company “Harmony” considered as one of companies who interested in the Design Sector (Residential & Commercial) and implementation. We accredit the highest standards and specifications by providing the necessary guarantees of the works that we supervised it. In addition to manufacture Home Furniture , Office Furniture , Hotel Furniture , Curtains , Fabrics , Wood Decorations , & Preparation of Buildings and Complexes in various designs.