* Provide legal and governance support to the group and relevant stakeholders.
* Negotiate, draft, update and review legal documents such as contracts, agreements, engagement letters, terms and conditions, non-disclosure agreements, etc.
* Develop and maintain key working relationships with external providers e.g., ADGM, DIFC, DWTC.
* Lead and provide instructions to junior members of the legal team when preparing internal legal procedures, policies, and processes such as process flows related to company secretarial and incorporation tasks.
* Access and proficiently use online company registration portals and platforms and provide training to junior members of the legal team, on the same.
* Act as a senior company secretary for outsourced clients, performing duties such as: attending board meetings, filing company renewals, keeping up-to-date stakeholder records, preparing resolutions, drafting minutes, winding up procedures, and maintaining share registers etc.