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Urb. Ciudalcampo, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid
Spanish Teacher whole school
The New World International School which is part of the SEK needs to incorporate a Spanish Teacher for August 2025.
The New World International School which is part of the SEK needs to incorporate a Spanish Teacher for August 2025.
Promote student learning, through carefully planned, taught and assessed lessons, and ensure that students have the opportunities to develop in all areas: academic, physical, socio-emotional and ethical. Promote the respect and understanding of the culture of the host country, Oman, while at the same nurturing international-mindedness and the NWIS values.
Student learning •Plan, teach and assess relevant, global and significant learning engagements in Spanish in whole school: Primary to High School.
•Differentiate for individual student needs, according to the requirements of the corresponding NWIS programme.
•Create a stimulating classroom environment, appropriate for each grade group and section.
•Build on what students bring to the learning experience in the way of prior understanding, knowledge and skills.
•Empower students to become responsible of their own learning and to take action; nurture student agency and self-directed learning.
•Pursue open-ended inquiry and real-life investigations.
•Use the attributes of the IESEK-NWIS learner profile to guide the appropriate student development of internal control and self-confidence
•Be attentive of the language proficiency and particular needs of the students.
•Use the disposition to guide the appropriate student development of internal control and self-confidence.
•Include technology in the students’ learning experiences as a valid support to the
•Plan and deliver After School Activities within the framework of the school’s provision.
•Perform duties related to student supervision, as requested by the
head of school.
•Perform the role of students’ tutor/mentor to accompany their academic, physical
and socio emotional development.
Planning •Involve students in planning for their own learning and assessment.
•Plan learning engagements which accommodate a range of ability level.
•Regularly contribute to curriculum planning and development including interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary units of work and the development of Approaches to Learning and Teaching and the disposition, as well as our Profile
•Develop assessment tasks following NWIS guidelines and use a wide range of formative assessment tools.
•Planning for teaching assistants where appropriate.
•Systematically use systems to support the planning process and keep documentation of the written curriculum.
•Develop Backward Planning pedagogy.
•Use Visual Thinking Routines and Design Thinking strategies.
Assessing •Use a balanced range of assessment tools and strategies to collect evidence for, of and as learning.
•Produce timely reports on students’ progress in line with school’s policy.
•Use feedback consistently to support student learning. Use a balances range of feedback tools and strategies. Include the students in their formative assessment and feedback process.
•Use student portfolios as a way to guide students in reflecting on their learning process and set next steps for learning.
•Keep up-to-date records of attendance, curriculum, assessment tasks and assessment data.
•Participate and collaborate in whole-school self-study and accreditation or authorization processes when necessary in the future.
Global Awareness •Use multicultural contexts for students’ learning experiences.
•Promote projects aiming at understanding and generating solutions for global challenges.
•Facilitate and promote community and voluntary work or experiences.
•Promote attendance to international events.
Professional Learning
•Share learning experiences with the learning community, within the school and with other schools.
•Demonstrate a genuine, active interest in on-going personal professional .learning, through the development of professional educational inquiries.
•Contribute to initiatives for innovation in the use of learning technologies.
•Keep up to date with developments in your area.
•Participate in Professional Development opportunities.
•Develop thorough understanding of External Examination bodies, as and when required by the school’s accreditation by international and national bodies.
•Proficiency in Spanish equivalent C2 level in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
•Teaching qualification adequate for the teaching role.
•ICT knowledge.
•Experience in international programmes.
•Fluency in English.
•Double degrees, master and international experience are valued positively.
•Arabic knowledge valued positively.
Al-Manuma, A´Seeb, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Urb. Ciudalcampo, San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid
Spanish Teacher whole school
The New World International School which is part of the SEK needs to incorporate a Spanish Teacher for August 2025.
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