Education & Work Experience Master's Degree - 5 year(s) experience OR Bachelor's Degree - 7 year(s) experience
Developed learning-based research agenda and advocacy plan, to support project outputs and achieve project objectives. Generated relevant and informed evidence, including for-purpose context monitoring, ad-hoc analysis, policy briefs, and in-depth research, to strengthen and guide policy dialogue and advocacy. Informed policies and programming and strengthened coordination for solutions through strategic, evidence-based advocacy engagements with stakeholders. Enhanced alliances and coalitions through strategic partnerships, thematic collaborations, and formalized processes to achieve shared advocacy objectives. Ensure the smooth running of the project and provide sound technical inputs throughout implementation of the project. Ensure the effective, efficient, and timely implementation of project workplan, and delivery of outputs and contribution to outcomes through an effective Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) plan, thorough indicators’ means of verification log, and in close coordination with relevant stakeholders. Lead on any updating of key project documents, including detailed annual work plan, risk log, procurement plan and MEAL plans. Work closely with project administration, procurement and finance staff, including the Regional Programme, to ensure efficient and transparent use of project resources in line with approved budgets and within UNDP rules and regulations, e.g., for travel, venue bookings, consultancies, payments to partners and consultants etc. Lead on reporting including drafting project narrative reports and coordinating budget revisions and reviews of financial reports as needed. Lead the project procurement, subcontracting and outsourcing of services ensuring quality of terms of references for the timely procurement of goods and services required to deliver the outputs of the project, and facilitate the work of consultants, e.g., communications and compendium development, including identifying and coordinating with relevant stakeholders, timely preparation of payments with all supporting documentation. Promote accountability through effective project results reporting (quarterly, and annual progress and financial reports), to the Project Board. Support decisions on possible management and risk mitigation actions and ensuring all Project risks and issues are addressed/resolved effectively and in a timely manner. Set up and maintain all relevant files for the various initiatives, including contracts and financial and narrative reports in line with UNDP policies, ensure proper coordination and availability of all project documents for audit requirements. Ensure gender equality mainstreaming in the project, with coordination as needed from the UNDP Gender team. Ensure quality summary reports and minutes taking of events and meetings, follow-up on action points, drafting talking points and briefing documents, events’ concept notes and reports, invitations and manage registration sheets etc. Manage the partnership with Mercy Corps Crisis Analysis Unit through a Responsible Party Agreement, including internal project management e.g., reporting, monitoring etc. Coordinate day-to-day engagement on the project with country-level focal points from UNDP Lebanon and Jordan and ensure conflict sensitivity based on regular consultation and advice from UNDP country offices. Ensure effective collaboration with the UN and other humanitarian and development partners, in close coordination with the SRF team. Participate as a member of the 3RP Joint Secretariat and enhance linkages with relevant 3RP initiatives, in close coordination with the SRF Coordinator and Policy and Resilience Specialist. Strengthening relationships with development partners through the preparation of relevant partnership agreement instruments, advocacy and communication material, knowledge products etc. including the private sector and philanthropies within the context of crisis response and innovation. In consultation with the communication consultant, ensure the development and implementation of a communications plan for the project. Facilitate and ensure the adaptive management component of the project, including regular updates of the research agenda and advocacy plan through coordination with relevant colleagues. Formulate concept notes and ideas for continuity and sustainability beyond the project life in coordination with UNDP colleagues, e.g., concept notes, proposals, terms of references etc. Promote effective resource mobilization and identify and collaborate with potential partners to leverage Project funds and results. Promote and advise on relevant knowledge production at regional and country levels within the project’s scope, leveraging existing knowledge and avoiding duplications. Document lessons learned through the project’s adaptive management, disseminate through appropriate communications channels, and inform relevant UNDP and partner initiatives. Facilitate dialogue, best practice and lessons learned knowledge sharing among stakeholders linked to project goals through presentations, webinars, panels, factsheets, and other modalities to an external audience (e.g., country, regional and global levels partners), and an internal audience (UNDP RBAS, Crisis Bureau, etc.). Support in conducting desk reviews and research by inputting and drafting relevant research and policy papers and documents. Establish and maintain the SRF knowledge database on the SharePoint and share with relevant stakeholders as needed. Support the engagement on capacity development initiatives relevant to the project, e.g., with relevant UNDP academies focused on the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus and Finance Academies. Provide sound contributions to relevant working groups, knowledge networks and communities of practice among others. Enable Diversity and Inclusion: LEVEL 3: Appreciate benefits of diverse workforce and champion inclusivity