YouwillbepartofCisco’sEmailSecurityTechnicalMarketingEngineeringteam.Wehelp design, build, and deliver market-leading Breach Protection security products. These products form the foundation of Cisco’s innovative security analytics portfolio.
TheroleoftheTechnicalMarketingEngineeristoenablesalesandcreatefieldand customer apostles through:
•Evangelizing thevalue ofCiscosecurity technologiesto thefield,channel, andcustomer
•Beingthetechnicalarmoftheproductmanagementteamandhelpdrive product/solutionadoption
TMEshaveintrinsicproductknowledgeaswellasdetailedtechnicalknowledgeabouta varietyofnetworkingenvironmentswheretheproductisinstalledandoperates.TMEs shouldhavetheabilitytoclearlyarticulatecustomerusecases,technicaldifferentiatorsof aproductaswellasworkwithProductManagersinidentifyingcustomerrequirementsand productgapsandhelpingProductManagementprioritizethosegaps.Excellent communicationsskillsandextensivecustomerandfieldinteractionisamust.
TheroleoftheTechnicalMarketingEngineeristoenhanceproductsandenablesales through:
·BeingthetechnicaladvocateanddomainexpertonSaaS-basedsecurityOversinside the Business Unit for customers.
·Evangelizing the value and utility of Cisco security technologies to customers, the field, and channel partners.
·Influencing the direction of product development decisions and partnering with peer groupstoimplementacompletevisionformarketleadershipandindustryexcellence.
·WorkingwithpeerproductteamsacrossCiscotodrivenativeandorchestrated integrations to build world-class enterprise solutions.
·TheManagerTechnicalMarketingEngineerenablesthesuccessofCisco’sBreach ProtectionSuiteswithafocusonCiscoEmailSecurityandCiscoXDR
·Executingthestrategicplanfortechnicalmarketingconsistentwiththebroader business strategy of the product portfolio.
·Develop compelling technical collateral by synthesizing complex concepts into customer, field, and channel-centric materials.
·Ensuring necessary content, training programs, and design implementations are available to the system engineers, solution architects, and partner technical communities.
·Engagingwithstrategiccustomerstobetterunderstandtheenvironmentwhereour products are deployed and where we should innovate to excel.
·Participatinginthedevelopmentprocesstoprovidein-depthcustomerandtechnical understanding to both Engineering and Product Managers.
We are an agile, fun, passionate TME team within Cisco’s Security Business Group. Our team has deep product knowledge and broad technical knowledge about a variety of networking environments. We clearly articulate the technical differentiators of our products when/by interacting with customers, channel partners, and the Cisco field. We collaborate and work closely with technical Program Managers, Engineers, and public cloudvendorstostayontheforefrontofcapabilitiesthatcanfurtherourabilitytodeliver softwareandplatformservicesanywhere.Whenyouworkwithus,you’llbepartofahighly empowered collaborative distributed team that's passionate about technology.
You are an aspiring technical leader in cyber security with a superior work ethic and demonstrated success in security product design, implementation, and demonstration. As a qualified candidate, you bring IT and networking industry knowledge, a competitive background, and years of technology experience to aid in technical selling, explaining features and benefits to customers, and partners, and designing and configuring products and solutions to meet specific customer needs.
·5+ years related experience in designing, securing and managing medium to large- scaleEmailSecuritytechnologydeploymentsintheenterpriseandserviceprovider markets.
·Extensiveexperienceindesigning,provisioningandsupportingSMTPMTAsand integra=ng with cloud and customer premise email solutions
·Experiencewithemailandencryption,(TLS,SSL,S/MIME),mailfilteringpolicy,DNS (DKIM/SPF and DMARC) and LDAP
·Experience in overseeing deployment, troubleshooting, performance optimization, event detection, incident response, and training of Secure Email technologies.
·Solidandprovenknowledgeonatleastoneofthefollowing:MS365,Proofpoint, Abnormal, ESA, CES, Cisco XDR, Cisco Secure Malware Analytics.
·ExperiencewithPythonandabilitytocreateanalysisscriptstosupport troubleshooting, system monitoring, and diagnose functions.
·Experience with Yara rules for testing AV integration, contributing to improved malware detection.
·KnowledgeofSplunk,SplunkUniversalForwarderdeployment,configuration,and maintenance across Linux and Windows platforms to enhance system monitoring and security visibility.
·Experience in virtualization, Programming or Software Defined Networks is desirable.
·ExperienceinScripting andAPI’sishighlydesirable.
·StrongabilitytobuildrelationshipsamongCiscosales,engineering,marketing,and customers.
·Outstandingcommunicationskillsanddemonstratedabilityindevelopingand delivering clear technical presentation and white papers on complex topics.
·Strong technical writing and presentation creation skills. Demonstrated ability in creating anddeliveringtechnicalwhitepapersandbusiness/technicalpresentations.
·Abilitytoworkwithlimitedsupervisionindefininginitial goalsandaddressing complex issues as they arise.
·5-10+yearsoverallexperienceinfieldssuchastechnicalorproductmarketing,sales, or engineering.
·Experienceworkingwithremoteteamsandaglobalorganization whichis24x7.
·AgileandDevOpscultureandintervaldevelopmentpractices arekey transformations we are undertaking.
·Willingnesstotravelupto40%tosupportsales,training,andmarketing efforts.
·Relevant certifications CCNA, CCNP, CCIE Security and other technical certifications are highly desired.
#WeAreCisco where every individual brings their unique skills and perspectives together to pursue our purpose of powering an inclusive future for all.
Our passion is connection—we celebrate our employees’ diverse set of backgrounds and focus on unlocking potential. Cisconians often experience one company, many careers where learning and development are encouraged and supported at every stage. Our technology, tools, and culture pioneered hybrid work trends, allowing all to not only give their best, but be their best.
We understand our outstanding opportunity to bring communities together and at the heart of that is our people. One-third of Cisconians collaborate in our 30 employee resource organizations, called Inclusive Communities, to connect, foster belonging, learn to be informed allies, and make a difference. Dedicated paid time off to volunteer—80 hours each year—allows us to give back to causes we are passionate about, and nearly 86% do!
Our purpose, driven by our people, is what makes us the worldwide leader in technology that powers the internet. Helping our customers reimagine their applications, secure their enterprise, transform their infrastructure, and meet their sustainability goals is what we do best. We ensure that every step we take is a step towards a more inclusive future for all. Take your next step and be you, with us!