Janes Introduction:
Janes enables militaries, governments, and defence companies to make critical decisions. Our expert-driven tradecraft, developed over 120 years, combined with human-machine teaming, delivers assured open-source intelligence across military capabilities and order of battle, equipment, events, countries, companies, and markets.
Linking millions of assured data points, Janes data model creates a framework of interconnected open source defence intelligence. This allows our customers to integrate all relevant data and connections into a single intelligence environment to deliver a more complete and accurate answer. Using Janes, our customers can use their scarce resource more effectively, to get to better decisions with higher confidence, more quickly.
Responsibilities for Magazine sub-editor
· Identify and edit features for Janes Defence and Intelligence Review each month, liaising with Production to create the page plans
· Work with news-generating team to identify and select the best news stories of the week for Janes Defence Weekly
· Check magazine page proofs for errors before publication, liaising with the magazine production team
· Edit and fit magazine pages according to Janes house style
· Oversee cover creation, including sharp, eye-catching headlines and selection of strong images