Video Editing

حول هذه الدورة

Today, we can find a video as media in various fields such as education, entertainment, advertising and marketing, business, games, communication and list may go on and on. Day by day,the presence of video media is increasing on the web along with film and television. YouTube is a great example of web video streaming.

مناطق تحسين مسيرتك المهنية

Adobe - Video Editing Course is available with us. The term of video editing can refer to: nonlinear editing system, using computers with video editing software. Complete coaching and guidance is given to the students by our faculties, who carry years of experience in teaching and students’ understanding. Course material provided by us is always designed meticulously, keeping in mind the recent requirement of the industry.

ما الذي سوف تتعلمه؟

  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Premiere
  • Adobe SoundBooth


المتطلبات الأساسية
Basic Knowledge in computer
30 Hours
من يتعين عليه التسجيل؟
  • Working Professionals
  • College Students
  • Others

لمحة عامة

Syscoms College
نوع الدرس:
دورة تدريبية
نمط الدراسة:
قاعة دراسية
Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Al Ain
2,250 درهم إماراتي
Syscoms Certificate by Ministry of Education

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