MS SharePoint

حول هذه الدورة

Intranets, document management, team collaboration portals, external customer portals, workflow scenarios, search, project management repositories and public internet sites for large corporations.

مناطق تحسين مسيرتك المهنية

A sample of the types of companies and organizations using SharePoint would include financial, insurance, manufacturing, consulting and some government entities. Since the majority of the business solutions SharePoint are used for are needed by larger organizations (this may not apply to Office 365 users), there is usually a better chance you will get the better pay, benefits and career options that also come along with larger companies and organizations as well. In addition to this, SharePoint has grown in use far quicker than the amount of skilled labor available needed to create and support advanced solutions built upon it. Most rapidly growing technologies have this trait however.

ما الذي سوف تتعلمه؟

  • State the use of SharePoint Portal in Enterprises
  • Build Collaborative Environment using SharePoint
  • Create Lists, Libraries in SharePoint Sites using inbuilt templates
  • Use Content Types and InfoPath forms
  • Create custom user interface using Web parts
  • Build Application pages and master pages
  • Write Event Handlers
  • Explore SharePoint Shared Services namely Excel, user profile, business data, search


المتطلبات الأساسية
C# Programming, ASP.NET Knowledge of using portal sites (msn, Facebook) would be an advantage
40 Hours
من يتعين عليه التسجيل؟
  • Working Professionals

لمحة عامة

Syscoms College
نوع الدرس:
دورة تدريبية
نمط الدراسة:
قاعة دراسية
Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Al Ain
7,500 درهم إماراتي
Syscoms Certificate by Ministry of Education

سيتم الحفاظ على سرية معلوماتك وإرسالها مباشرة إلى الكلية.