حول هذه الدورة

Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) certifications are the foundation of Microsoft’s new generation of cloud-optimized credentials. Each MCSA certificate demonstrates your ability to design and create technology.

مناطق تحسين مسيرتك المهنية

The latest MCSA credentials (Server 2012, SQL Server 2012 and Windows 8) do a good job of covering key skills from the older software versions (Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 & Windows 7), so unless your employer specifically requests the old version, always pursue the newest cert, even if the new software isn't widely adopted yet. You're getting certified for your future career, not your past.

ما الذي سوف تتعلمه؟

  • Setup, manage and support PCs running the Windows 8 OS in a business environment
  • Deploy, configure and maintain Windows 7 desktop computers in a business environment.
  • Configure and maintain Windows Server solutions in an enterprise environment.
  • Setup and maintain computer systems and networks in Windows Server 2008.
  • Develop, maintain and analyze SQL Server databases in an enterprise environment.
  • Manage SQL databases and identify key customer trends for smarter decision making.


المتطلبات الأساسية
A typical MCSA candidate should have at least six to 12 months of IT experience before pursuing this certification. To achieve the MCSA, you are required to pass three core exams and one elective exam. For more details on the MCSA requirements you can peruse Microsoft’s official requirements.
120 Hours
من يتعين عليه التسجيل؟
  • Fresher
  • Working Professionals
  • College Students

لمحة عامة

Syscoms College
نوع الدرس:
دورة تدريبية
نمط الدراسة:
قاعة دراسية
Abu Dhabi, Dubai & Al Ain
4,500 درهم إماراتي
Syscoms Certificate by Ministry of Education

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