Certificate in Leadership (LDR)

حول هذه الدورة

The purpose of this unit is to provide a comprehensive review of the major behavior patterns that effective leaders use to influence followers, this unit keys in on what effective leaders really do and emphasizes how leaders can diagnose and modify situations and followers to make their leadership a more positive and productive endeavor.

مناطق تحسين مسيرتك المهنية

This course will enable the learner to achieve the following skills and knowledge:

The unit is organized into an easy-to-follow three-part structure.

Part I: Introduces the concept of leadership and descriptions and evaluations of several currently popular situational leadership theories.

Part II: Describes the five core leadership behavior patterns (supportiveness, directiveness , participation, reward/punishment, and charismatic behavior).

Part III: Examines current leadership issues in organizations, with a concluding module that summarizes the impacts of the leadership behaviors in Organizations.

ما الذي سوف تتعلمه؟

  • Concept of Leadership
  • Leadership process, Leadership and Management,
  • Influence and Authority to leadership ,Types of power used by Leaders, Traits Leaders possess
  • Leadership behavior and its importance in Leadership Effectiveness
  • Situational Leadership theories
  • Contingency Models of Leadership
  • Five Core Leadership Behavior Patterns
  • Current Leadership Issues
  • Building social Exchanges, Fairness and Ethics in Leadership
  • Follower behavior, positive influence on groups and in the Organization Performance


المتطلبات الأساسية
1. An appropriate Diploma 2. An appropriate professional qualification
16 Hours
من يتعين عليه التسجيل؟
  • Graduates & Professionals

لمحة عامة

Capital Education
نوع الدرس:
دورة تدربية معتمدة‎
نمط الدراسة:
قاعة دراسية
3,000 درهم إماراتي

سيتم الحفاظ على سرية معلوماتك وإرسالها مباشرة إلى الكلية.