Manchester Business School


MBS Middle East Centre opened in Dubai Knowledge Park in 2006 and, today, supports over 2,000 part-time MBA students. It is the largest and fastest growing centre in the MBS international network. Manchester Business School (MBS) is one of the world’s top ranked business schools and the MBS Middle East Centre in Dubai is the largest and fastest growing executive centre in the MBS international network, providing support for more than 2,000 Global Part-time MBA students across the region. The school also has a regional community of around 2,500 alumni and actively works to create professional networking opportunities to help enrich the wider business community. In the Middle East, MBS offers its world class part-time MBA for experienced working professionals, in addition to a range of executive education programmes, and research and consultancy projects led by MBS faculty. The school works in a range of collaborations with professional bodies such as CIMA, ACCA, IMA and PMI, as well as UK organisations including UKTI, British Business Group and British Centres for Business. In addition, MBS has forged a range of partnerships with public and private sector organisations through its Talent Management Partnership programme. Alongside its academic programmes, MBS hosts masterclasses covering a range of business related themes, as part of its ‘Guest Speaker Series’, led by top faculty and free and open to the public. MBS has embarked on the region’s first research into creativity and innovation in the GCC, to mark the Middle East Centre’s 10th anniversary in 2016.

الموقع: الإمارات العربية المتحدة - دبي

النوع: جامعة خاصة


لم تقم Manchester Business School بادراج أية دورات. ان كنت تعمل لدى Manchester Business School، لمَ لا تقم باضافة الدورات المتوفرة من خلال الدخول إلى حساب الشركة؟

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