“Abu Dhabi Health Services Company or SEHA, is an independent public joint stock company founded to manage the curative activities of the public hospitals and clinics of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
The establishment of SEHA is part of the Government of Abu Dhabi’s healthcare sector reform initiatives and represents another step in the realization of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE's vision to provide the people of Abu Dhabi with healthcare services that compare favorably with the best in the world.
SEHA’s mission is to transform the health-care landscape of Abu Dhabi and realize that vision. We are committed to doing this in a socially responsible and cost effective way. We will measure our achievement by benchmarking ourselves against international standards and by measuring our effectiveness in improving the accessibility, affordability, choice, and satisfaction of our patients.”
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يمتلك العديد من موظفي شركة SEHA مؤهلات علمية من الجامعات والتخصصات التالية:
اختر دورًا وظيفيًا لتكشف عن جميع المهارات الأساسية لهذه الوظيفة
هل تمتلك هذه المهارات؟update your cv
يعمل معظم موظفي شركة SEHA ذوي المستويات المبتدئة في الأدوار الوظيفية التالية:
Director of Operations Zayed Higher Organization
Clinical Application Analyst
Patient Access Representative
Media specialist