Collaboration and co-creation are our main pillars, with the aim of bringing together different stakeholders to build on what they do well, to achieve a greater, more valuable impact. Large and small organizations, government entities and individuals, are - more often than not – working in isolati ...اقرأ المزيد
Collaboration and co-creation are our main pillars, with the aim of bringing together different stakeholders to build on what they do well, to achieve a greater, more valuable impact. Large and small organizations, government entities and individuals, are - more often than not – working in isolation and duplicating efforts. We seek to break down these barriers, bring participants together and create a more efficient impactful ecosystem and a strong creative economy.
Our mission is to foster and nurture creativity in promising individuals and organizations, as these are likely the future of the creative sector. In order to succeed in this mission, we hope to instill in them the importance of adding value to their creations, evaluating their creative process, and realizing the impact their contributions have on the larger community.
We seek to foster creative and cultural development in the local community through our organisation, network and business development infrastructure, collaborating with ecosystem players in search of growth strategies or expert consultation. ...عرض أقل