Qassim University, College Of Engineering

  • خدمات الدعم التجاري الأخرى · المملكة العربية السعودية - القصيم
  • 52 متابع · 50-99 موظف


Improving the Quality of education in all disciplines and achieving excellence in some programs and obtaining national and international academic accreditation.

Raising the competence and competitiveness of the students

Improve the effectiveness of community services and applied research to meet the requirements of development

Raising the administrative, technical, institutional and informational performance

Strengthening the cooperation and partnership with local, national and international institutions

Establishing and developing the University’s endowment, diversifying the sources of funding, and rationalizing the spending

Completing, developing and maintaining the infrastructure of the University

Raising the rates if efficiency and satisfaction, and retention of human resources.

for more details about Qassim University please visit our website:


Provision of a high quality, accredited education producing competent graduates who meet the needs of the labor market, conducting applied research and offering quality community services to develop the Qassim Region and to contribute to the building of a knowledge-based economy, achieving all goals by using the most advanced techniques in management, technology, and information processing, by fostering national and international partnerships, and by boosting the University's resources.


A nationally distinguished institution of higher education, supporting sustainable development in the Qassim Region, and helping to advance a knowledge-based society