Prince Sultan Cardiac Center

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Cardiac services started in 1979 at Riyadh Military Hospital and ever since have witnessed significant progress. Cardiac services previously provided by the Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital was eventually crowned by the establishing of Prince Sultan Cardiac Center to act as a specialized and independent center to provide complete therapeutic and preventive cardiac medical services to all Saudi Armed Forces personnel and their dependants and other patients eligible for treatment.

PSCC is a four-storey, five- level building designed to accommodate 174 beds and holds four (4) operating theaters, four (4) catheterization labs, one (1) cardiac electrophysiology lab and (2) nuclear cardiology stress labs.

Since its inauguration on September 11, 1996 by the late Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz, PSCC has realized marvelous achievements at international level in the quality of services provided and medical advancements, including but not limited to, establishment of a new Gama camera system , opening of the adult congenital heart diseases unit with an addition of (6) extra beds. In addition, the year 2008 witnessed a comprehensive upgrade of both Catheterization Labs. (3) & (4)and the ICIP system; installment of the new automated drug dispensing system for in-patients; expansion and upgrade of the cardiac Electrophysiology lab; the inauguration of the clinical information archiving project; follow up the construction of the new OPD building (12) beside other future projects.​


Prince Sultan Cardiac Center is committed to providing the highest standards of integrated healthcare services to all Saudi Armed Forces Personnel, their dependents and other eligible patients delivered by highly qualified human resources and utilizing the most advanced medical technologies in accordance with MSD Total Quality Management, and in line with International Standards.​​​​


Prince Sultan Cardiac Center aspires to be the leader in providing specialized cardiovascular services in the Middle East, as an integrated medical center and specialized scientific authority in cardiology and cardiac surgery.

الرواتب التي نقدمها Prince Sultan Cardiac Center

متوسط الرواتب في شركتنا

عرض المزيد

بيانات الموظفين

عدد الموظفين الحاليين في الشركة: 117  الأعضاء

معلومات عن التوظيف

يمتلك العديد من موظفي شركة Prince Sultan Cardiac Center مؤهلات علمية من الجامعات والتخصصات التالية:

أبرز المهارات في:

اختر دورًا وظيفيًا لتكشف عن جميع المهارات الأساسية لهذه الوظيفة

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أبرز وظائف المستويات المبتدئة

يعمل معظم موظفي شركة Prince Sultan Cardiac Center ذوي المستويات المبتدئة في الأدوار الوظيفية التالية:

الطب والرعاية الصحية والتمريض الهندسة سكرتارية التدريس والشؤون الأكاديمية
ابحث عن وظائف في المستويات المبتدئة

الموظفون المسجّلون على بيت.كوم

Mohammed Alhemyari

Cardiac Anesthesia Consultant

MOUSA mosa algarni

Clinical care supervisor

Aliaa Alshibel

Translator And Interpreter

Ahmed Abdalwahab

Senior specialist cardiac anesthesia