Power International Holding (PIH) is a diversified business conglomerate, grouped into 5 main sectors: General Contracting, Agro-Food Industries, Real Estate Development, Lifestyle (Hospitality, Entertainment & Catering) and General Services.
To ensure the sustainability and success of each businesses within the various sectors, we are committed to providing every entity with the tools and resources together with the central functional support to enable development and growth. We work in specialization, to ensure that each business strives to achieve the organization’s objectives and goals. Grouping is done through focus and trade excellence of organization leaders who proactively work together in multi-disciplinary groups, ensuring that each business thrives and flourishes.
Thrive for sustainable value creation for the company’s stakeholders through an efficient infrastructure based on innovation, technology, efficiency, specialization, and positive work culture aiming for excellence.
To lead in every industry we undertake.
متوسط الرواتب في شركتنا
يمتلك العديد من موظفي شركة Power International Holding مؤهلات علمية من الجامعات والتخصصات التالية:
اختر دورًا وظيفيًا لتكشف عن جميع المهارات الأساسية لهذه الوظيفة
هل تمتلك هذه المهارات؟update your cv
يعمل معظم موظفي شركة Power International Holding ذوي المستويات المبتدئة في الأدوار الوظيفية التالية:
Retail Sales Executive
Corporate Finance Analysis Assistant
HR Specialist