Lux Lifestyles Trading LLC

  • 4K+ متابع · 10-49 موظف


At Lux Lifestyles, we want our customers to experience the calm of seamless technology.

We offer customized affordable solutions that work best with our clients wants and needs for their home and comfort. We believe in providing a turn-key solution that is effortless to use, as easy as pressing a button, or requesting with your voice; from your lights to your music, we have a solution.

Your smart home needs are our key focus from Audio, to Visual, to Security we make sure that your home is up to date, and everything meshes together seamlessly.

Our team prides ourselves in being geared towards solutions rather than products, we truly customize your needs and wants into our design solution and automation system.

This also means more than just your dream smart home; we also specialize in controlling your curtains to lights and are proud to launch one of our newest solutions that is for; Aroma diffusion around your home.

Trust us to deliver your smart home and welcoming home, our motto is bringing affordable luxury for your home and pockets too.

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.