الجامعة الإسلامية بالمدينة المنورة

  • التعليم الابتدائي والإعدادي والثانوي · المملكة العربية السعودية - المدينه المنوره
  • 295 متابع · 500 موظف أو أكثر
انتقل إلى موقع الشركة


Founded by the Royal Order No. 11 dated 25/03/1381, followed by the Royal Order No. 21, dated 16/04/1381 AH, and ratified by the Supreme Advisory Council of the University. Studies began on Sunday, 2nd of Jumada II in the same year.


A Saudi educational institution with a global message, concerned with education, scholastic research and community service in Islamic and Arabic sciences in particular, and other sciences; using world-class standards and technology and qualitative outputs, and contributing to the spread of the eternal message of Islam from Madinah (City) of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him; for the service of the local and global communities.


To be a lead beacon of Islamic knowledge distinguished global in Islamic and Arabic sciences, and other areas of knowledge.

الموظفون المسجّلون على بيت.كوم

Ali Elbashar Elfaki Eltigani Elghazali

أستاذ تعليم جامعي

Farooq Klil

مساعد اداري

Rawan Bashaweih

مصمم ويب

Khulud Alnakhli

اخصائي إدارة التغيير

عرض المزيد