Dansys Medical and Aesthetic Equipment

المستشفيات الطبية

الإمارات العربية المتحدة - دبي

10-49 موظف


23 متابع


الموظفون المسجّلون على بيت.كوم

Arvin Aguado

Biomedical Service and Sales Engineer

اكتشف المزيد عن شركة Dansys Medical and Aesthetic Equipment

نبذة عن شركة Dansys Medical and Aesthetic Equipment

DANSYS WELLNESS AND SPA FACILITY CONCEPT DESIGN, SUPPLY, PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICE At Dansys we put all our knowledge, expertise and creativity into the design and construction of spas and health centers as well as supplying the best machinery in the field to meet your most discerning requirements in any medical or health facility. We take pride in our effectiveness in customer relations, and our second to none consulting skills. We provide Individual tailor-made solutions; thoroughly coordinated with you and your Architects and/or Interior Designers so as to set-up the facility of your dreams. We can propose a design concept that will meet the most discerning requirements and technical precision, based on the “theme” of your choice.