
  • الزراعة وإنتاج المحاصيل · المملكة العربية السعودية
  • 41 متابع · 50-99 موظف


agrospania Introduction

Welcome to the fresh produce business.

Welcome to a world of specialized solutions for the most prominent economic industry of the future. We bring to the Middle East the best of the most successful technology and knowledge from Spain, the world leader in horticulture i ...اقرأ المزيد


agrospania Introduction

Welcome to the fresh produce business.

Welcome to a world of specialized solutions for the most prominent economic industry of the future. We bring to the Middle East the best of the most successful technology and knowledge from Spain, the world leader in horticulture in arid climates.

Let us tell you about your opportunities. Let us tell how we'll drive you to a successful business in fresh food industry.

Agrospania, all what you need to plant the future. ...عرض أقل