Apparel Group is an energetic, fast-paced and entrepreneurial place to grow your career. At Apparel Group, we thrive on a spirit of exploration, creativity, excellence and teamwork in everything we do. The success of our Brands is in our staff. The energy, enthusiasm and expertise of our teams drive our brands forward, in a fast-paced and exciting environment.
Building your career at Apparel Group will be an immensely challenging and rewarding experience... and we hope, a lot of fun! Have a look at open vacancies we have and apply to the relevant job. In case you there is no open vacancy that interests you at this point, you might still want to send us a general application by posting your CV through our CV Builder page where your CV will be added to our global database
متوسط الرواتب في شركتنا
يمتلك العديد من موظفي شركة Apparel Group مؤهلات علمية من الجامعات والتخصصات التالية:
اختر دورًا وظيفيًا لتكشف عن جميع المهارات الأساسية لهذه الوظيفة
هل تمتلك هذه المهارات؟update your cv
يعمل معظم موظفي شركة Apparel Group ذوي المستويات المبتدئة في الأدوار الوظيفية التالية:
head chef
stock controller
Assistant Manager Sales
Sales Executive
Sales Associate