The 7-Day Schedule for the Employed Job Seeker

Finding the time and motivation to look for a job is difficult enough when you are unemployed. It is equally, if not more, challenging for those who are looking for a job while balancing their current career as well. When going through the motions of the nine-to-six, daily grind, it is easy to become complacent, reluctant or overwhelmed. You probably come back home so exhausted that the very idea of spending hours looking for work makes you want to cry. However, before you call it a day and catch up on your favorite show or browse social media for hours, let’s give job hunting schedules one more shot. It is time to give your job search the priority it deserves and to manage your time effectively.

I understand what you might be thinking right now. At previous jobs when I was unhappily employed, it was difficult for me to find the motivation and time, too. In fact, when I got home after a long day’s work, the only thought in my mind is bed, or maybe food, but certainly not: I can’t wait to get on my computer and look for jobs. However, don’t let yourself fall into the trap of pushing your job search until ‘tomorrow’, because that tomorrow becomes the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that until weeks have gone by and you are no nearer to finding your ideal job. Job searching is a work out, so you have to remain disciplined and resist the temptation to just roll over and let time go by.

To make things a little easier for you, we, at, have come up with a seven-day schedule for the employed job seeker! Remember, though, that even a good routine can become monotonous and bland, so if you feel yourself getting tired of the schedule and losing motivation, don’t be afraid to move things around in the coming weeks to keep yourself upbeat.

Sunday: Search Party

On Sundays, you should set aside time during your evening to look for jobs. This should be an hour, minimum, spent exclusively on going through job postings and finding jobs that match your criteria. List anything that interests you in a document and include the job description as well as a web link.

On, you can find many jobs, save them for later, email them to yourself, print them and request that similar jobs be sent directly to you. This should make it more straight-forward to compile a list as time goes on. It will also give you some time to evaluate all your options more thoroughly and research companies in an organized manner. You can file these jobs however you prefer, whether you prefer printing out each job posting or compiling them in a word document. You might want to organize them by priority or by which jobs you like the best. Whatever you do, creating an organized list will help you keep track of all the jobs you are interested in and will make sure you do not overlook or forget anything when you get around applying.

Monday: Maintenance

Monday could be a break from simply looking through countless pages of job postings. Instead, you could spend your time conducting some crucial maintenance. Take another look at your CV and look over your cover letter and profile once more. After reading the job descriptions the day before, you should have some idea of what the employers are looking for. Using this knowledge, you should add certain buzzwords to your CV to improve your chances.

Additionally, if your CV has not been updated for a while, now might be a good time to freshen it up. You might think that the fact your CV has been collecting dust since your last update is negligible, but employers find job seekers with fresh CVs more attractive as candidates. In fact, employers can filter out old CVs with one click, so ensure your CV is always up-to-date and crosses the velvet rope into the fresh pile.

Tuesday: Training

While you tipped your graduation cap some time ago, you should not stop learning. You should dedicate some time every week to doing so. Spend a few hours every Tuesday taking online tests and courses. Working on your soft and technical skills will only increase your attractiveness as a candidate for a job. You should also use this time to learn more about the companies you are interested in and familiarize yourself with their culture, products and values. This will prepare you increasingly for your interview, or if you choose to write a cover letter. Even after you find your job, you should make it a habit to continually find new areas that you can improve as well as new subjects you can become educated in. Remain a student for life and new doors will continuously open for you.

Wednesday: Worn out?

At this point in the week, you’re probably feeling a little tired. That’s why it’s important to give yourself a break. Make sure you have time to pursue your other interests and prop up your legs.

Thursday: Time to Network!

During the final day of the work week, you should focus your time on networking. Building a network of professional contacts is critical for business success. You should keep this practice even after you have gotten your desired job. Not sure where to start? All you need is a public profile on and you will be connected to millions of professionals all across the MENA region.

Friday: Friends and Family

I’m a big believer in breaks, and I think overworking yourself can lead to negative outcomes. Just like your mid-week break, you need to give yourself some time off on the weekends to regroup and relax. See your family or your friends or spend your time doing something you enjoy. Catch a movie, read a book, try your hand at a new hobby. Just like your week should not be all play, only working 24/7 is detrimental to both your health and your job search.

Saturday: Submitting Applications

You should dedicate at least two hours on Saturday for applying for jobs. You should have ample time to send out applications. Pull out that list you’ve been compiling and begin. Make sure to write customized cover letters to improve your chances. Review your CV, cover letter, and anything else you might be sending for embarrassing typos and grammatical mistakes. You don’t want a misspelled word to be the thing that kept you from getting the job of your dreams.

Remember that when there is a will there is a way. By dividing your job search into easier, more manageable tasks you can work on throughout the week, you should be able to keep your rhythm with grace.

Sound off in the comments below and let us know how structured or unstructured your job search has been. Share your stories and let us know if you have any frustrations or words of wisdom to share with fellow job seekers.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏07/12/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 30/12/2017
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏07/12/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 30/12/2017