5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

Stop right there! Let’s talk about that job you’ve been thinking of applying for. You know the one – that job that seems to fit you and your needs perfectly, and that’s just the frosting. Not only does the company have a great reputation and would be a killer addition to your CV, but you have that elated sensation in your chest every time you look at the job description. The one that says, ‘I really want this job’. Well, I really want to help you get that job and the answer is simple: ace that cover letter.

Now wait, before you roll your eyes and click out of the tab, allow me to expand on that piece of advice. While the jury’s still out whether or not your application absolutely needs a cover letter, most people will tell you that it hugely improves your chances. Even right now, you’re probably thinking, ‘I already know this. I’ve heard this before’. I’m not here to convince you to use a cover letter, though considering the fact that six in ten job seekers “always” send a cover letter with their CV, you really should. I’m here with five fresh ways to start a cover letter that guarantee yours will stand out amongst the rest.

DO NOT start your cover letter with something along the lines of ‘I am writing to apply for x position’. The hiring manager already knows what they’re reading is an application cover letter, so their impression is unlikely to be ‘How thoughtful of them to remind me’ and more along the lines of ‘boring’ or even ‘next’. Remember that the hiring manger or employer will have likely read countless cover letters before yours. You don’t want your first impression to start on the same, dull note as 70 others. Like with any piece of writing, a strong first sentence or a ‘hook’ is essential to grab the attention of your reader. If Mahmoud Darwish started all his poems with ‘I am writing this poem to describe x theme and y motif’, he would not have captivated so many people with his words.

Instead, your opening paragraph should have a dash of impact, a pinch of pizzazz and a sprinkling of personality.

1. Add a quote to your cover letter

Before you start rummaging through the archives of your favorite quotes site, let me add that you should not take a quote from just anywhere. That is, using a famous quote such as one by Einstein or Gandhi is generally inadvisable. For example, if your cover letter starts with, ‘Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means– Albert Einstein’, followed by an assurance that as a person and employee you live by those words, then there are two problems. The first is that there is no way to validate that statement. Just because you like a quote, relate to it or even aspire to it, does not mean that you can verifiably embody it. The second problem is that it almost oversells you as a candidate. Remember that hard facts will always supersede flowery language in any piece of business writing. In contrast, if you use a quote that was used to describe you or your work from a manager or a colleague, it provides persuasive support to your case.

5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

2. Entice the reader with your job title, achievements and standout accomplishments

Start the letter with your latest and greatest achievement. For example, ‘As a Communications Director for x company, I managed the marketing and public relations operations for an organization of 500+ employees’. Buff yourself up within reason. Do not make exaggerated claims about being the most important person in your previous or current position. Also be careful not to accidentally degrade your previous employer or workplace in an attempt to prove your value as an employee. If you are a fresh graduate, then your degree should be your starting point and you should discuss what you learned from your study and how it has prepared you to do the position you’re applying for.

5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

3. Enrich your opening sentences with keywords that demonstrate fit

The aim of cover letters is to achieve two things. The first is that your cover letter should demonstrate fit, and the second is that it should motivate the reader to consider your CV. In order to show that you truly fit the job, you should make sure your cover letter is rich with keywords. Take the time to study the job description and required skills and use keywords that are sure to grab the attention of your prospective employer. For example, ‘I am a senior graphic designer with extensive experience in designing, branding, marketing and project-managing.’ Again, if you have no previous work or internship experience, then consider projects and tasks you have had experience in outside the work environment.

5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

4. Highlight how you can fulfill their needs and motivate them to keep reading

A lot of cover letters fall into the trap of focusing too much on what a position at x company will do for the applicant’s career, when x company is just as, if not more, interested in what the candidate will do for them. Tackle your opening paragraph by focusing on key points in the job description. For example: ‘Delivering substantial value to my clients has been the focus of my work for the past five years’, ‘Cultivating relationships and collaborating through team-work are two of the things I do best’, or even ‘’My colleagues and former employers would best describe me as a ‘team player’ because…’. Remember that for every claim you make, you have to give a real-life situation in which you’ve applied the skill you are claiming to have.

DO NOT sound desperate or unsure of your worth/value as a professional. While it is always good to fluff up your reader’s ego, be careful not to cross the line from flattery to worship.

5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

5. Let your personality shine through!

While your cover letter should not look like a script for stand-up comedy, it is A-OK to be a little relaxed in the way you phrase it. One of the best things about cover letters is that they allow you to express yourself in a way that the rigid structure of a CV does not accommodate. Adding a dash of humor in your opening lines and throughout your cover letter (remember that less is more) will ensure your reader thoroughly enjoys reading your letter.

5 Fresh Ways to Start Your Cover Letter

All that’s left to do is open that document and get typing. If you’re feeling stuck, don’t forget to check out Bayt.com’s free cover letter guide and remember that you can always get a professionally written CV and cover letter by experienced writers and get all the work done for you. Sound off in the comments below about how your job search is going and, as always, good luck on your journey. We, at Bayt.com, are cheering on from the sidelines and wish you all the best.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏03/10/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 29/10/2017
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏03/10/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 29/10/2017