11 Things to Do When Resigning from Your Job

Thing to Do When You Resign from a Job

Now that you got that great new job (congrats, by the way!), it is time to part ways with your current company, do your handover, goodbyes, and everything in between. Switching from one job to another is not always as easy as people and movies make it seem.

There is usually plenty of paperwork involved, meetings, exit interviews, and finally your last day. But during the time from when you hand in your notice until you actually leave, there are a few little things that will not burn bridges, make your colleagues appreciate you, and make you a better person.

Almost everyone, at one point, resigns from a job to pursue another opportunity. It happens. But first and foremost, you need to ensure that your resignation is amicable and gracious. Make sure that you’re completely honest with your boss and explain your reasons for leaving. If it is another job, tell them that. If you’re not happy, also tell them that. Honesty is, in fact, the best policy.

After you’ve discussed everything with your boss, give fair notice. Ask them what is needed from you before your departure and offer your assistance in finding/training your replacement, if they need it. We’ve heard of many resignation horror stories that left colleagues and bosses in a mess. So, in order to not be that person, here are 11 amazing things you can and should do once you resign.

  1. Train your replacement, and actually do it well. You know your job the best. So, it is simply more effective if you train your replacement and give them all the necessary tools before you head out for good.

  2. Give people who you work with on long-term projects a fair notice of your departure and start looping in your replacement or the temporary person who handles your business. That way you do not leave co-workers and/or clients stranded after you leave.

  3. Share the inside scope with your replacement and colleagues. Tell them who is easy to work with (and who isn’t), tips and tricks you learned along the way, clients who take decisions fast, and things that make your job (and their job afterwards) easier.

  4. Resist the temptation of venting to your work friends about all the things that you hate. Try to be as gracious as possible before you leave and continue to do so after your last day. You don’t want to negatively influence a colleague who is happy at the company you left or the position that they are taking over from you.

  5. Don’t slack off. Exit mode is a killer and it is very easy to let your mind wander away and skimp on the energy and effort. Try your best to do your job well and get work done on time. In reality, you are still an employee of the company until your very last hour finishes.

  6. If you sit for an exit interview, be serious and cooperate. Think deeply about what you have to say and be constructive. Give your honest feedback but avoid preaching and useless criticism.

  7. Wrap up all projects and don’t leave any loose ends. Make sure that whoever takes over your duties acclimates easily rather than spend time tying your loose ends. It is very easy for information to get lost and for confusion to arise when there is such a transition. Do all that you can to help smoothen the process.

  8. Thank everybody before you leave. Make sure they know you appreciate the time you spent with everyone and that they’ll be missed.

  9. Open doors of communication on your last day. Before you head out of the office, tell everyone goodbye, especially those who you worked closely with. Go around, shake hands, personally thank your colleagues and managers, and offer to exchange personal contact information.

  10. Stay a brand ambassador and don’t trash-talk your former company or discourage people from applying to it. You can of course, provide an honest opinion of what you think works and what you think needs improvement. But do not use your resignation as an excuse to unjustifiably harm the company’s reputation.

  11. Last but not least, check-in on your ex-colleagues. Ask them out for dinner or coffee and catch up every now and then. You can also visit the offices whenever you’re free. It is important to keep your connections strong and going. There is no need to burn any bridges. You never know when you might re-connect with them for a business partnership or a new career opportunity.

If you don’t have another job lined up for you, be sure to check out the 10,000+ jobs that are available on Bayt.com on any given day.

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏23/08/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 25/10/2017
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏23/08/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 25/10/2017