Don’t Quit Your Job Search During Ramadan!

Once every year, Ramadan knocks on our doors; and such as the case with any visitor, some changes are inevitable. From sleeping habits and meal times, to religious activities and working hours, the changes that come with Ramadan turn everything around and might leave you a bit overwhelmed. By the third day, it is safe to say that Ramadan becomes fully occupied. If you haven’t previously adjusted yourself, the first days are usually exhausting as your body tries to adapt. Then, your days are filled with family visits, iftar invitations, and religious activities. This leaves little to no time at all for anything else.

What this means is that many job seekers put their job search to a halt. This is why, this year wants to help you organize your time better, so that you are able to continue your search endeavors at a time when most job seekers are inactive. Don’t slack off, and try the following in order to have an edge over your fellow hibernating job seekers.

1. Rethink Post-Iftar

Between Iftar and Taraweeh prayers, there are almost 2 hours that are usually wasted sitting in front of the TV or in a post-food coma. Having had an appropriate meal for iftar and you’re well-hydrated, these two hours present themselves as the perfect time to apply for jobs – for two main reasons. First is that your body is finally starting to gain its energy after a long day of fasting, and second is that it creates a routine for you to follow in this hectic month.

2. Apply minimally

We always advise job seekers to be selective when they apply for jobs. Not every position and company are a perfect fit for you, and this still holds true during Ramadan. However, it is important to note that not only job seekers tend to be quiet during this month. Employer activity is also calmer. This doesn’t mean you should give up your job search. In fact, it makes the pool of competing candidates smaller for you to shine brighter – so no need to spam every company.

3. Stay away from the TV (and its contemporary iterations)

Ramadan is synonymous with new TV shows and seasons of well-established series (I’m talking to you “Bab Al-Hara”). We understand the excitement of watching these shows in Ramadan, as they end up being the talk of the town. However, we now live in an age where streaming services are accessible to everyone. You do not need to wait in front of the TV anymore. You can watch these shows at your own time after Ramadan, or any other time during the day. The time you dedicate to TV can be better utilized searching for jobs, and that is certainly what we suggest you go for.

4. Leave the bed

There’s a misconception amongst everyone, which is that staying in bed is the best way to preserve energy. In fact, this only feeds into your exhaustion. During the day, keep yourself busy with different activities. We’re not asking you to do hardcore sports, but blood circulation gives you the push that you need to have better concentration and productivity throughout the day – and certainly helps you be focused when you search for a job.

Amer El-Mousa
  • قام بإعلانها Amer El-Mousa - ‏17/05/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 18/05/2018
  • قام بإعلانها Amer El-Mousa - ‏17/05/2017
  • آخر تحديث: 18/05/2018