How happy is the Middle East? We wanted to find out and so we, at the Middle East’s #1 Job Site, conducted the Happiness in the Middle East Survey. The survey revealed that more than half of respondents across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) are satisfied with their life in general, at least to some extent.
Happiness and well being is prevalent across the Middle East and North Africa and that is linked to many personal, professional, and social factors. Despite the various socio-economic inconsistencies that the MENA region undergoes, it is positive to see that happiness across the general landscape is highly prevalent. Much of the satisfaction that is felt in the Middle East today is connected to many improvements relating to professional opportunities, standards of living, and overall development.
Here is what respondents to the Happiness in the Middle East Survey had to say in regards to their personal and professional lives:
Happiness with Personal Life
According to the survey, personal life elements that respondents in the MENA are most satisfied with include mental wellbeing (87% of respondents are satisfied), relationship with family (83%), current physical health (82%), independence to make one’s own decisions (77%), and freedom to socialize (67%).
Health-related factors contribute largely to MENA residents’ happiness and wellbeing. More than three quarters (77%) of respondents describe their general state of health as good or excellent, and six in ten respondents (60%) are not currently suffering from any health issues.
Happiness with Professional Life
As for their professional lives, factors that MENA respondents are satisfied with include support from colleagues and coworkers (51% of respondents are satisfied), working hours (50%), work-life balance (49%), recognition at work (46%), and freedom to make decisions at work (46%).
Countries in the GCC region, including KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman emerge with the most respondents who are extremely satisfied with their working hours and the support they receive from colleagues and coworkers. Meanwhile respondents in North Africa, including Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia are most satisfied with their work-life balance, recognition received at work, and freedom to make decisions at work.
Happiness with Country of Residence
MENA respondents are satisfied with many factors pertaining to their country of residence such as ability to maintain healthy personal relationships (65% of respondents are satisfied), availability of utilities (62%), general safety and security (60%), comfortable weather (60%), and opportunities to socialize (49%).
Countries whose respondents have the highest levels of satisfaction with their general safety and security include Qatar, UAE and Oman (92%, 91%, and 86% respectively). Those with the highest levels of satisfaction regarding their ability to maintain healthy personal relationships are Tunisia, Algeria, and Qatar (78%, 74% and 70% respectively); and those whose residents are the most satisfied with the comfortable weather are Algeria, Lebanon, and Jordan (76%, 73%, and 71% respectively).
Happiness and Stress
Stress is another happiness factor addressed by the survey. Respondents from Algeria (34%), Qatar (29%), and Morocco (35%) appeared to have the lowest levels of stress. However, for those experiencing more stress, the largest contributors were the increasing cost of living (70%), the current economic situation in their country of residence (48%), and other work related issues (46%).