A Bayt.com Guide to Catching a Fake Professional Profile

A Bayt.com Guide to Catching a Fake Professional Profile

As with any online platform, it really comes as no surprise that even professional networks are beginning to see a growing presence of fake profiles. It is always important to be aware of such profiles for many reasons; some people create these profiles to collect information and data, others may create them to scam people with things such as fake job offers. To protect yourself, and your privacy from potential internet fraud, it is crucial that you know how to spot these types of profiles and avoid connecting with them.

Fortunately, there are some very clear markers of a fake professional profile. Here is Bayt.com‘s guide on how to spot these:

1. Fake profile picture

One of the most obvious indicators of a fake profile that you will come across is a fabricated profile picture. Fake profiles usually use stock images they find on the internet, or of celebrities and models. If the image seems suspicious to you, a quick google reverse image search can help ease your suspicions. Simply upload the photo to see what results google gives you and compare them against the information provided on the profile.

2. Unrealistic profile information

Have you ever been added by someone who is a bit too perfect to be true? They graduated top of their class in high school, received their bachelors at Yale, their masters at Princeton, their PhD at Stanford, founded 3 companies, are a board member at some of the top companies worldwide, published 3 books, and had done all of that before they even turned 30? Chances are, if someone really has done all of this, you have definitely heard of them already, and they definitely are not adding people who they do not know on professional networks, because they certainly don’t have the time. The bigger chance is: this person is not real.

3. Too many or too few connections

How about the person’s network? Someone who has 0-10 connections, has not yet established a profile, and is adding random connections, is not someone you probably want to go ahead and trust right away. The same rule applies for someone who has 1000+ connections, yet has an incomplete and unprofessional looking profile. This person is most likely adding masses of people with no particular interest besides building a connection list or to simply sell the account for it’s connections.

4. Spotty profiles

Another main indicator is profiles with inconsistent experience and no visible trend. Someone who worked in random fields, in random positions, that have no relevancy to one another, and who also has unexplained experience gaps. Or someone who went from being an account manager, to a company’s CEO in the matter of a 2-3 years. Although some of these scenarios may be truthful, such highly unrealistic career jumps and advancements are something to be cautious of.

As a final piece of advice, remember that not all connections are good connections, and building a professional network is based on quality more than quantity. You don’t need 700 connections when you never actually speak to or reconnect with any of them. It is much more beneficial for you, and your career to have 100 connections whom you can actually build a professional and mutually beneficial relationship with.

Learn how to detect a fake job offer by clicking here.

  • قام بإعلانها Sara - ‏02/11/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 13/11/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Sara - ‏02/11/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 13/11/2016