What Should I Wear to a Job Interview?

Whether you’re a fresh graduate just kicking off your job hunt, or a seasoned professional, interviews will always be one of the most stressful parts of a job hunt. You’ve done your homework; read all about the company, prepared your answers and even prepared the questions you want to ask, and here you are standing in front of your closet thinking the big question: “What should I wear?”

It’s true; first impressions are important. And to make sure you leave a good one, you have to invest some time putting together a suitable outfit.

Here are some outfit ideas and tips to help you impress your interviewer, according to your job industry.

1. Finance/ Banking

Precision and confidence are exactly the kind of traits you want to reflect for a banking position through your appearance, so a suit is a must. For men, pick a well-fitted, dark-colored suit. Lighten the outfit by wearing a white or light-colored shirt. For women, you can go with formal pants or a knee-length skirt and a basic shirt and blazer. You can also pick a formal dress, a blazer and black or dark tights.

2. Sales/ Marketing/ PR

A rule of thumb is that if it’s a client-facing job, then it will, most probably, come with strict dressing codes. For men, make sure you look shaved and well-groomed. You can wear a formal suit and a light colored shirt. For women, stick to polished classics like shift dresses, or the pants-shirt-blazer combination. You can always add simple accessories. Bold colors and prints are a big NO in this case.

3. IT/ Design

One thing that distinguishes tech and design firms is their casual environment. The rule here is to dress half a step up from everyone else. While you’re not required to show up in a suit, don’t show up in something too casual. For men, you can go with khaki slacks and a deep-blue collared shirt. For women, you can match your basic skirt or slacks with a light-colored blouse or print shirt. Add a belt or statement necklace to help make the look more fashionable.

4. Media/ Journalism

Fields like media and journalism have a big room for flexibility and creativity. You can reflect this part of your personality through your attire by playing around with fabrics and colors. For men, match your slacks with a cotton blazer. You can choose between a basic and a print shirt. For women, you can go with black slacks with a beige blazer and a light blue button-up shirt. Want a more casual look? Tuck up the sleeves and you’ll be set!

5. Engineering

The energized and quick-paced atmosphere of many engineering firms require a simple, yet well-thought-out outfit. The tricky part here is to dress in a smart yet casual way! Men can go with dark denim and a tucked in button-up shirt. While women can match a dark denim with a semi-formal cut cardigan, and go with a tucked in shirt. Add a bold belt to finish off the look in a fashionable way.

Duaa Saif
  • قام بإعلانها Duaa Saif - ‏14/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 10/10/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Duaa Saif - ‏14/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 10/10/2016