What Type of Office Worker Are You?

office workers

The workplace is filled with a host of different personality types, but every office has a few signature characters that will undoubtedly be present no matter where you work. From the slacker to the workaholic to the complainer and everything in between, almost everyone falls into some type of category and have to be accepted and managed. Here are the 5 most common types of characters in every office:

1. The Slacker

Whether it is not doing their fair share of the work or relying on others to carry them through (ever heard of ‘free riders’?), slackers are generally more preoccupied with thinking about what to eat for lunch or checking their Facebook account than doing their job.

2. The Stress Pot

Stress pots are stressed, all the time. From the moment they wake up until they go to bed they are worrying about something. For them, the tiniest setback can mean the end of the world as they know it.

3. The Eager-to-Please

Those who fall into this category are so determined to succeed that they will do anything to please their boss and move up the career ladder. Perhaps due to their reputation for being suck-ups, this type never feel truly part of the team.

4. The Chatterbox

Every office has at least one - the social butterfly, the Chatty-Cathy, the chatterbox. This type have a chatty, bubbly personality and get along with (almost) everyone. There’s nothing wrong with chatting about what was on TV last night, but understand when the conversation has ended and get back to work.

5. The Workaholic

You are a workaholic if you’re the first to arrive at work and the last to leave. You eat lunch at your desk and have few (or no) coffee breaks, and conversations for you are strictly limited to business matters.

So, what type of office worker are you?

Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016