Five Things You Should Be Doing on is more than just jobsite, it’s your constant companion during the job search. There are many features on that you can use in order to enhance your online presence and establish yourself to employers as well as potential clients. Here are 5 things you should be doing on Create a Public Profile Your Public Profile is very similar to an online business card. It’s akin to having your own personal brand that readily grabs the attention of employers and clients alike. In fact, when asked about the extent to which an online personal brand can help a career, an overwhelming 92% of respondents in the ‘Personal Branding in the Middle East and North Africa’ poll, September 2013, said that a good personal brand can help you get more interviews and grow in your career. As you can see, in this day and age it is extremely important to have a presence on the internet. In fact, having a Public Profile makes you findable on search engines such as Google. Another great benefit s that you can connect with colleagues and professionals of your industry, and they in turn can endorse your expertise and write recommendations about your amazing work! You can even share your profile on all forms of social media and get contacted by professionals from the region. Get a Public Profile Connect with people – Go premium The People Search is a unique feature that allows you to contact other people on You can search for peers and employers in companies around the MENA and then get in touch with them. This is an awesome way to network with people who might be far beyond your reach! If you upgrade to the new Premium Account, you can utilize the advanced form of People Search. Additional search filters are added that can help you find the exact person you’re looking for at any given time. With a Premium account, you can also get free contact credits. Contact credits allow you to directly correspond with a candidate, a potential business partner or even your future employer. You are entitled to five contact credits as soon as you upgrade! Get a Go Premium Join in discussions on Specialties Through Specialties you can establish your presence as an expert in your field through community discussions. Get noticed by employers, clients and colleagues by asking intelligent questions related to your industry and giving intelligent replies to their questions. You can expand your circle of connections and it’s a great way to network online. Through your discussions, you can get endorsed by other experts as well as get ranks on your CV. Nowadays, employers want to dig deeper into the personality of the candidates before calling them for an interview. In fact, according to the ‘Hiring Management in the MENA’ poll, August 2012, 84% of employers in the region take the time to research candidates online before making their final decision. A CV is simply not enough. Through Specialties you can stand out from the crowd! Visit Specialties Follow Companies has a large directory of well-known employers registered on the site. These employers have company pages where they share their updates, display stories about the company culture, and list their latest news. Company pages also show all job vacancies available, so if you have a target company or a dream job, what better way to learn about them than follow their page? It’s also a great way to research on a company before going for a job interview. Browse Companies Apply for jobs Lastly, the most obvious way to use is to apply for jobs. 32% of companies are definitely hiring in a year’s time according to the Middle East Job Index survey, February 2014, so now is a good time to apply. With thousands of job postings on every day, it can get very difficult to track all the new and relevant job postings. The best way to keep track of your dream job is to set up a job alert. You can create your job alert by choosing criteria like job location, role, company industry, career level, and more. Once you apply for job, based on the relevancy of your CV, you will be given a ranking amongst the list of applicants. The higher up you are in the rankings, the sooner the employers can check your CV. Create an amazing CV in order to stand out from the crowd or get one of our CV writing experts to do it for you! Don’t forget that cover letters customized for roles you are applying to make all the difference. Create a Job Alert Good luck!
Roba Al-Assi
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016
  • قام بإعلانها Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016