Ten Daily Habits that Can Revitalize your Life

revitalize your life

Do you find yourself stuck in a bit of a career and lifestyle rut? Are you in need of a little more energy and also shorter than you'd like on the stamina and joie-de-vivre front? Here are ten simple daily habits that can perk you up and revitalize your life:

1. Wake up early

This may be very challenging for many but getting a consistently good healthy night’s sleep then waking up in the crisp clean early morning air before all the sounds and hustle and bustle of commuters and traffic set in can be very beneficial for your energy levels and stamina and productivity.

2. Exercise

Before you assemble a medley of perfectly plausible excuses (no gym, no time, no energy) remember that it only takes a little bit of creativity to come up with an exercise regime that suits your lifestyle and circumstances, and that even twenty minutes a day is a great place to start. In fact any marginal increment is a great place to start. If you are really constrained for choices, perhaps you can walk or cycle around the block, dance to your preferred tunes in your living room or do other regular exercises at home from a video or book. You may want to invest in a treadmill and/or some dumbbells and/or a hoop or skipping rope. Let your imagination run riot; a bit of exercise will do your brain and mood and body a world of good. After all, if over 80% of polled MENA professionals can squeeze some exercise time into their busy schedules, then so can you!

3. Keep a journal

List items you wish to accomplish and reward yourself when you accomplish them. Note moments of inspiration and great thoughts and ideas too.

4. Smile

We all want a calm peaceful benevolent world and what better way to effect that than by projecting that attitude ourselves at all times. It all starts with a lovely heartfelt warm sincere smile.

5. Practice gratitude

An attitude of gratitude is your best companion in life. Try to always look at the glass as half-full rather than half-empty and think of shortfalls in terms of the opportunities they present for innovation and improvement.

6. Contemplate

Take time away from your daily schedule every day to really review and think about your words and actions that day and the impact they had on others; then ask yourself if they had the desired consequences. Plan what you will do the same or differently in the future and envision what your next day should look like.

7. Read

Reading stimulates your brain and allows you to learn and grow at your own pace and through your own preferred channels. For 69.6% of professionals, reading relevant materials regularly is extremely important, and 77.8% of professionals reveal that they read industry related literature on a regular basis. Anyone committed to a path of continuous growth and learning should regularly be picking up reading materials that will guide, enlighten and narrate the way.

8. Eat healthy

Begin every single day with a nutritious breakfast which is low in sugar and aim to eat at regular intervals and not overindulge as the day progresses. 31.7% of professionals would describe their eating habits as unhealthy, this can be easily changed. Aim for a healthy balance as well as creative variety to stave off the cravings and choose moderation at all times.

9. Be aware of your thoughts

Do you ever find yourself engaged in a virulent downward spiral of negative thinking? Avoid that by being always in control of your thought process and assigning strong assertive mental gatekeepers to ward off any unconstructive, self-defeating thoughts and keep self-doubts at bay. An optimistic, positive-thinking, can-do attitude will serve you well in your career and in your life.

10. Practice an act of generosity

This can be as complicated as you want or as simple as a hearty morning greeting to everyone at the office, offering to make someone a cup of coffee, listening intently to a colleague with a problem, offering to help someone in need, lending the neighbor a hand carrying groceries or even practicing an act of generous forgiveness. (Photo by Mihhailov on Flickr)

Baytcom CMO
  • قام بإعلانها Baytcom CMO - ‏06/06/2016
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  • قام بإعلانها Baytcom CMO - ‏06/06/2016
  • آخر تحديث: 06/06/2016